You dreamed of fishing, and you want to know thatit means? Interpretation of this dream largely depends on what kind of fish is caught in a dream, what it is caught, whether it is caught at all, and also you catch it or watch it, like others do.

Let's see what the dream of catching fish in different ways.

Interpretation of sleep for men and women

If a woman sees a dream in a dream, then thisa sign of an early and successful marriage. It is also believed that such a dream dreams of pregnancy. If a woman caught a fish in a dream, but missed it, then this is a sign that the expected maternity (pregnancy) will not come soon. If an elderly woman catches fish in a dream, it is a sign that she will soon become a grandmother, that is, she will have grandchildren.

How to interpret a dream in which a man catches fish? If he catches a small fry, it means that he is bogged down in problems or life's hectic. Such a dream is a warning about the need for rest and solitude. If a large and large fish is caught, it is a sign of the subconscious about the desire of a man to have children.

Fishing in a dream for very old people is a testament to the fact that the heirs are waiting for the death of this man and are already sharing an inheritance behind him.

Features of fishing in a dream

  • Catching fish with your hands - there is a chance to miss a profit or a lucky chance.
  • Catching fish nonsense - to fast luck as the result of the effort.
  • To fish in muddy water - to gossip.
  • Catch rotten or dead fish - to the disease.
  • Catching fish falling from the sky is a warning about future natural disasters.
  • Watch how others catch fish - to a lucky coincidence.
  • Successful fishing - you will cope with the coming or current trials.
  • Bad biting, unsuccessful fishing - someone is interfering with the implementation of your plans.

Of course, when interpreting dreams, you need to considerall the nuances of the dreamed events. And it is necessary to relate everything that has dreamed with your life situation and mental state. Perhaps you will also be interested in reading similar articles about the interpretation of dreams:

  • What does the fishing dream about?
  • What does the fish dream about?
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