If you saw a wound in a dream, then do not rush to grieve, because it does not always portend bad events. To find out what the wound is dreaming, one should use interpretations from different dream books.

Below are presented the nominations from the women's dream book, the dream book of Nostradamus, the Small Velesovo dream book and others.

Female dream book

If you saw a wound in your sleep, then in your personallife will be a major change. To see a wound on the body of a loved one is to unfavorable turn of affairs. If in a dream you bandaged a wound to a friend, you will face injustice in real life.

Sonn of Nostradamus

See in a dream, how old wounds have begun againbleed - to the pain that will arise from old grievances. If the wound was in the animal, then you will become the "culprit" of an important event. Provide first aid to the wounded - to goodness and justice towards you.

Small Weses dream book

If you saw a wound in a stranger in a stranger, you will lose your lover because of the ill will of the ill-wishers. To see how a loved one dies of his wounds, to promotion.

Sonnik Tsvetkova

If the wound is bleeding in a dream, then in real life it is necessary to survive the loss of a loved one. If you processed it, then get ready for the gossip, which will dissolve colleagues.

Dream Interpretation of Freud

If a fresh wound was on your body, then such a dreamtestifies to a quick love disappointment. This is because you are too much idealize your soul mate. If you have seen a decaying wound on yourself, then in real life you will experience separation from your lover or lover. If the wound was present on the body of a loved one, then a new love awaits you.

Ukrainian dream book

If a wound was inflicted on an object with an ax or a scythe, a distant relative will die. To see a wound with blood on the body of a familiar person is libel.

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