Women-Cancers are vulnerable, romantic andemotional nature. No wonder this sign is considered the most sensitive and mysterious. These qualities were bestowed on him by the patroness of the sign - the Moon. Therefore, astrologers advise giving representatives of the sign jewelry from stones that can soften the negative lunar impact and enhance the positive. In this article, we will describe which stone suits Cancer-women most.

Stones-talismans for Women-Cancers

It is not surprising that the list among the talismans forRepresentatives of the sign is headed by moonstone. This is the main defender of the Cancers from the negative influence of the Moon. It stabilizes the emotional background of women belonging to the sign, helps to cope with the experiences and understand their feelings. The best features of Cancer-women, among which romanticism, softness, tenderness and good-natured mood, are only strengthened with the help of moonstone. Jewelery from it will give to the mistresses calmness, which they so need, and also will help to find their love.

Since Cancer is considered predominantly femalesign, an important talisman for women of the sign is the pearl - a truly female charm. It has long been considered a symbol of fertility and harmony in a marriage union. Also, pearls help to overcome the suffering of unrequited love and to find emotional balance. The stone protects its owners from envious persons and treats various eye diseases.

Another talisman for Cancer-Woman isonyx, which develops in it such important features as determination, will power and purposefulness. Since the representatives of the sign are often characterized by melancholy and depression, this stone can save them from gloomy thoughts and bad mood.

On the topic, read also our article What stone suits Cancers.

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