Jewelry can be worn in many ways. If you are thinking about what the ring on the little finger means, you should know that, in addition to the symbolic meaning, there can be a simple explanation.

Wrong size

First of all, wearing a ring on a little finger can be explained by the fact that it simply did not get on any other finger.

Deep meaning

However, if we look at the language of rings, we canto learn that the ring on the little finger speaks about the sexual orientation of a person, or rather - about his belonging to a gay culture. It is believed that originally silver thin rings on the little finger began to wear representatives of lesbian culture, and then this tradition was adopted by homosexuals. The presence of a ring on the left little finger indicates that the person is in an active search for a partner. Wearing a ring on the little finger of the right hand means that the person is complacent to gay culture "straight" or bisexual.

You can read about the symbolism of the rings in the article What the rings mean on the fingers. To accidentally not give the ring a symbolic meaning, refer to the article on which finger to wear the ring.

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