It would seem, why be a tough person? And is it not better to strive for the world to be governed by responsiveness and kindness? Yes, of course, in most situations that we face in life, it is necessary to show cordiality and help, but sometimes it's just necessary to be tough. The fact is that trouble-free people very soon begin to use and manipulate. In this article I will tell you how to become tougher to kind and gentle natures.


Perhaps the first quality that is necessaryDevelop a person who wants to learn to say "no" sometimes, this is self-esteem. Only a person who respects himself can put his interests above the interests of others. But how to develop self-esteem? In fact, it's not that hard. It is necessary to find or create reasons for which you can respect yourself - start doing sports, read more, learn new languages, etc.

Ability to defend your point of view

It is not enough to have a point of view, it is important to know how todefend, otherwise everyone will be able to ultimately prove to you that their interests are much more important than your own. It is necessary to understand that sometimes you can answer a person "no" without going into long justifications and explanations. Remember once and for all - you have every right to control your life. Always remember this when someone wants to explain why you can not help.

Do not change the decision!

It is very important to stick to your point of view,otherwise everyone will know that you can be "pushed". If you said no, it means a decisive and irrevocable no. You are a person, and you have your own rules and interests that can not be changed, otherwise you will lose the first and most important point - "Self-respect", because how can you respect the person who speaks one thing and tomorrow another?

We hope that these simple tips will help you become tougher and teach you to say "no" when necessary.

You may be interested in the article How to become evil.

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