Of the entire zodiacal belt, Scorpio is the mosta sexual sign. This applies equally to men and women. The element of this sign is Water, which means that Scorpios are changeable and unpredictable. Scorpions are sure: they come to this world in order to change this very world. People associated with them always try to figure out how to understand Scorpio, although this is not so easy. This is an energetically strong sign, so it is better to know in advance how to behave with it.

Charming Scorpion Women

A Scorpio woman literally exudes an incrediblesensuality. However, there is no limit to egoism. All that she does is not for others, but exclusively for herself. If she suddenly begins to engage in charity, it means that she has already seen for herself this benefit, because of nature is gifted with remarkable intelligence and subtle intuition. She is sure that she is always right and right, so if you do not want trouble, you better agree with her. If you have managed to fall in love with Scorpio, do not even hope to change it, just accept what it is, and then it will treat you royally. In her person you will receive an incredibly devoted and gentle companion of life.

Crafty Scorpion Men

At first glance, it may seem that menThis sign is divided into two groups: first - direct, open, communicative; the second - cunning, capable of anyone quickly and finally to fool the head. However, this is not quite true. In fact, Scorpio first takes a wait-and-see attitude: he listens, looks, and shakes his scorpion's mustache. And then, realizing how it is most profitable for him to communicate in such a situation with specific people, he makes a swift attack. One blow with a poisonous tail - and the goal is achieved: the enemy is defeated, and the woman she likes is completely enchanted and in love forever. So if the Scorpio is peace-loving, this is no reason to relax. And while you are thinking about how to understand the Scorpio man, he will certainly find your most vulnerable place and will sting it there.

At the same time, Scorpio is very perceptive, andit is better not to try to deceive him. Scorpio is able to "bite" anyone who gets in his way. He by nature - a warrior, so if you are listed in his friends, you have nothing to fear, he will always protect you from all adversities. But if you are in scruples with Scorpios, you need to gain immense strength of will and endurance, so as not to be scared of scorpion tricks and to repel an attack. However, it is worth remembering that the defeated Scorpions do not happen, they just hid to gather strength and strike back.

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