We continue talking about different clothes in dreams: on the waiting list we have a coat. What does the coat look like? The answer will depend on the type of coat, even on its color, and also on the action that you or someone else is making with this clothing. We will tell you about new and old coats, about red, black and other coats of unusual colors and cuts, about what awaits a person who puts on a coat or takes off, loses, takes someone else's coat, etc.

What a coat looks like in different situations

Anyone who sees a coat in a dream can become a victimown stubbornness. Take a loan coat - means that the cause of your possible failures will be someone else's mistakes. But to put on someone else's coat - to a difficult situation, in which you have to turn to relatives or friends. Also not too favorable is a dream in which a person lost his coat. In this case, it may well be necessary to arrange the fate again, and the person will curse himself for negligence in financial affairs and excessive credulity. And if you're still in a dream and see how your coat is taken, this can mean trouble connected with this person. A good coat can also indicate worth and honor, and a bad coat - about various fears, fears. Also about fright and various fears, one can speak and a dream in which a person tries to put on a coat not by growth. If another person in a dream wrapped up in a coat, perhaps you will be fascinated by it - them, or someone like him. Put on your own coat - prepare for the road. Take off your coat on the street - to illness.

Different coats

Here we collected dreams about coats, depending on theits state (new, old) and colors (red, black, and other colors), because from these details the meaning of dreams often changes quite strongly. Why dream of a new coat? If you dream a new and beautiful coat, in real life you are expected to have great luck and the fulfillment of the greatest desires. Also, a new coat can talk about your success in creativity, which can happen both in the near future, and somewhat later. It is especially favorable to see in a dream a new coat for writers and artists. But the ragged and old coat speaks of losses and failures. In addition, a ragged coat can talk about sadness and cramped circumstances. Also, the worse the coat is in a dream, the worse weather can be on the street the next day. Well, a few words about the coat of different colors. Why dream of a black coat? Your dedication and courage will be rewarded by another person. Also a friend or girlfriend can walk away from you, but will regret it. Why dream of a red coat? A person can become a victim of hypocrisy, meanness, cruelty. A dream coat of unusual cut and / or color usually speaks of various weather anomalies that may occur in the coming days (showers, hurricane, sharp cooling or warming, etc.).

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