I think each of us is familiar with the situation whena lot of different cases have accumulated, that you do not know which one to take. And they will have to do it sooner or later, but the feeling of confusion, laziness and lack of time quite often prevent one from taking even the simplest of cases. So, how to put things in order? Let's deal with this issue that is topical for many people.

How to put things in order: recommendations

The first thing to begin with is planning. It is the plan or the list of cases that will help you to see all that needs to be done. The list of cases can be in a variety of forms, the main thing is to fix it in some form. One of the options will be a numbered list of cases in which the most important cases will be on the first places, which should not be postponed, and then everything that can be done is not so urgent.

With this kind of planning it is important to sit down and think carefully about everything that you did not do. So, even the smallest things are important: meetings and calls, a shopping list, a choice of a gift to a friend.

When the action plan is ready, you can proceedto its implementation. To do this, systematically perform each case from the list, first and foremost, the most important, then small, not requiring urgency. Also, you should use various "reminders" - reminders on the phone, stickers on the workplace, etc. In addition, do not forget that some cases can be delegated to other people - this will save your time considerably.

Another important point is to see your progress. To do this, it is necessary to delete the cases done or put a sign that the item is completed. In addition, do not forget about the positive reinforcement. So, after doing the biggest and most difficult work, give yourself a rest, buy something pleasant to you.

How to put things in order: a map of consciousness

The map of consciousness was invented by the Americanpsychologists. It is a detailed outline in which the areas of activity are highlighted with detailed steps and objectives to be followed. For example, the item "university" may contain sub-items: preparing tickets, reporting on practice, working off debts, missing couples, etc. The more you describe each of the items, the easier it will be to deal with the cases. In addition, you can use different colors to indicate different cases, for example, long-term or short-term.

How to put things in order at home?

Quite often, due to the fact that a lot of work orthe study takes a long time, the house accumulates a complete blockage. Various reminders and help from relatives will help you to unload it. So, on the fridge you can hang a list of what you need to buy, and the children are instructed to clean the room. Psychologists say: "what can be done in less than two minutes, should be done immediately." So, immediately wash the dishes, so as not to save a whole shell, clean the desktop immediately after the end of work.

I hope our advice will help you, how to put things in order, and learn how to plan your activities so that there will be more consolidated time that you can devote to yourself and your loved ones.

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