Meditation, if verbatim to translate this word withLatin, means "meditation" (Latin meditatio). In this article, we will not talk in detail about what it is. There is an excellent article on this subject, which everyone can familiarize with: how to meditate properly, - there is a description of what meditation is and how it affects a person. We will consider the question of how to learn to meditate, and talk about what you need to know and have to perform this extremely useful action.

Where and how to conduct classes

For starters, a few tips to help you achieve the maximum effect from meditation.

  1. For meditation, it is desirable to provide a quiet and cozy place where you can relax. It can be your room or a corner in the garden, it does not matter. The main thing is that this place is just yours.
  2. Clothes for meditation should be light and spacious, and a direct place for your meditation should be comfortable.
  3. Take care that during the classes you do not interfere. Meditation is a process that requires complete solitude, so that you can be alone with your thoughts and feelings.
  4. If there is a desire, you can use specialaromas, which is best used aromatic sticks. However, not all of this is suitable - I, for example, prefer that in a place for meditation was fresh, so I always ventilate my room before classes. But what is needed for relaxation is a lighted candle, since it is the eyes that are most difficult to relax.
  5. The light in this place should not be bright, so it is best to pull the curtains, or, if you are doing in the air, do it in the shade of the trees.

These tips will help you to completely relax and begin meditation already prepared. Now let's move on to how to learn to meditate.

Learn meditation: the heart of the matter

So, you sat in a comfortable pose and no one disturbs you.

Now try to concentrate on breathing. It should be smooth, deep and calm. Preliminarily, you can include some nice music for your hearing, the benefit now in stores is a huge choice of meditative music. Or maybe it will be the sounds of nature: the singing of birds, the murmur of a creek or the sound of the surf.

Try to relax and think about what you want. First you can just let your thoughts wander where they want. And then another state will come. You will understand that you do not need to force yourself to anything, force you to do something.

After your mind starts to clear, all of youless will disturb those thoughts that prevent you from living a full life. Remember that all real decisions are taken calmly, without external and internal pressure. Meditation will help you achieve this true freedom. After all, true meditation consists in purifying the mind of all that is superficial, and its purpose is to realize what we really need.

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