In a dream, did you sail on a beautiful lake? What does the lake dream about? If you are in love and swam along the lake alone, then it threatens you with separation from your loved one. If you sailed on the lake with clean water in the company of friends, it means that you will be very happy with your happy life.

If you just saw the lake, then the decoding of the dreamwill depend on the weather above it. If it was clear and calm, then you and your loved one are expected to have a complete idyll. If, on the contrary, the lake raged, it was gloomy, then on the way to your happiness with your loved one there will be many obstacles and squabbles. If the lake was completely dry, then you will be in tears.

The lake with dirty water and morose landscapes promisesthe collapse of plans. If the water in the lake is clean, but the landscape around is still sad, it means that you can lose your well-being, be careful.

If your lake was swarming with abominable creatures, who were constantly trying to attack you, you will soon be overcome by remorse, caused by your idleness, which led to the deterioration of affairs.

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