There are dreams in which there is nothing but one sensation. And there are those, of which nothing is memorized except the color. For example, why does it look yellow?

Denise Lynn in his dream book writes that yellow color- the color of joy, positive, emotional and ability to act, as well as the color of a clear and lively mind, capable of organization and self-discipline. The color of the sun symbolizes the creative principle and great organizational abilities. If you dreamed of a yellow, then you yourself will lose the desire to criticize someone, disappear envy and stubbornness, a contemptuous attitude towards those around you. Also, there will be no feelings of constant depression, sorrow, sadness, you will cease to cynically look at things and engage in self-flagellation. In all senses a good dream.

Another interpretation of what the yellow color is dreaming about,can be found in the dream book of Sheremensky. This color is considered the color of sunset. In the course of history and development of civilization, yellow color has become a symbol of gold, wealth, and these attributes are always associated with power, grandeur and eternal values. For Buddhists, yellow means divine qualities - greatness, holiness, enlightened mind and eternity. But this applies only to a mild yellow color - like a quiet gleam of gold.

Poisonous yellow symbolizes envy, anger, bile, which entail betrayal and all delays with deeds.

In the modern dream book it is said about whatthe yellow clothes are dreamed. Such a dream speaks of quick fun, prosperity and luck in business. But if the yellow light comes from the clothes, then everything can be exactly the opposite.

Autumn yellowed foliage foreshadows wilting andfrustration. But if in a dream you stroll through the garden, which is filled with fragrant yellow flowers, then do not worry. In your life there will be circumstances and people who will give you new vitality in order to move on!

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