Many of us often do not even remember theirdreams. However, when something unusual or alarming is dreaming, such a dream is remembered almost always. If a person dreams about something about death, then he always cares what it can mean. Let's talk about what the cemetery, graves and other attributes of death are dreaming about.

It should be immediately said that often the cemetery is notforetells the death of his saw or his relatives, friends. If in a dream you are in a cemetery among the graves in a bad, cloudy weather - this will be a symbol that your hopes for improvement of any circumstances are vain. A long walk through the cemetery, as a rule, means a long life. If a person dreams that he is wandering among the graves, it can be a sign of despair or love anguish. If you have planned anything, and in a dream you saw that your road lies through a cemetery, then this heralds a hundred percent collapse of your plans.

What is the dream of a cemetery destroyed and abandoned? Most likely, it will portend poverty, frustration, decline and humiliation. If the cemetery, on the contrary, is beautiful, well-groomed and peaceful, - this heralds a good outcome of events and well-being. If in a dream you read or try to read the inscriptions on the graves, it can predict the receipt of fatal news. If you read some kind of inscription and remember it, then it can become the key, with which you can predict what news this will be.

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