Why we dream of those or other objects triedunderstand still ancient people. Today, you can find the meaning of dreams in special books-dream books, or you can on the Internet. Sometimes even the most harmless objects in a dream can mean the opposite: from happiness to disappointment.

  • If you are a girl and are really going to get married, then to see yourself in a dream of trying on a wedding dress means that in reality your plans will not be hindered.
  • But if you are not going to get married, then sleep, inwhich you try on a wedding dress, can warn you that your reputation will be seriously damaged and you will have to make an extraordinary effort to restore your good name.
  • There is another interpretation of what the wedding dress is about. To try it on can mean a party.
  • In general, to see a wedding dress is to participate in public affairs, where you will meet many friends.
  • A wedding dress in a dream is a hassle, work, new friends, good income. In short, prepare for the cardinal changes.
  • It's bad only if the dress is dirty or spoiled. This means unpleasant troubles, a break with a loved one.
  • Some dream books indicate that seeing a wedding dress in a dream is an illness. It is especially bad to see yourself in a wedding dress in front of a mirror. It promises the most terrible troubles.
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