Capricorn comes into its own right from the day of the sun- The shortest day and the darkest and longest night of the year. Which stone suits Capricorn? Of all the signs of the zodiac, he is the most controversial - sometimes, the activity is combined with the difficulty in bringing his affairs to an end, because the Capricorns are approached by fire stones. The planet-patron of Capricorn is Saturn, which connects this sign with cold and dark stones and minerals that help Capricorns achieve their goals. Capricorn should choose 4-5 variants of stones (it is better to include green, fire and dark ones) and wear them regardless of the season.

The stones that suit Capricorn most: hematite, pearl, labrador, malachite, chrysoprase, agate, obsidian, onyx, garnet, lapis lazuli, crystal mountain.

Harmonious stones that do not bring much weight to business, but also do not harm: diamond, corals, citrine, jasper, amber.

Stones that Capricorn is best not to wear: amazonite, beryl, emerald, sapphire, topaz.

So, we have listed which stones will fitCapricorn most. In addition to stones, Capricorns are very suitable jewelry from wood. as an example, you can bring wooden statuettes - they will improve the mood and increase concentration.

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