Before we begin to describe the possible techniques that help to cause a real ghost, we will determine what is meant by the concept of a ghost.

Ghosts and their habitats

Ghost is the astral projection of the once livingcreatures (human or animal). We will not delve deeper into the definition, than ghosts differ from spirits. In essence, these concepts are intertwined somewhere.

As a rule, the habitats of ghosts arecemeteries, places of mass death of people, animals, in places of faults of the earth's crust, and the like. Ghosts dwell in houses. These are, usually, former masters, for some reason stuck in the astral world. That's why ghosts are seen in the developed photos, in certain time intervals they can be seen not only in photos, but also in the real world.

Usually, people who have abilities of mediums communicate with ghosts. But an ordinary person can quite know how to evoke a ghost.

Just want to warn that to start suchexperiments with the challenge of real ghosts, for the sake of entertainment, is highly undesirable! It is not enough to call a real ghost, it still needs to be sent back. This, without magical training and strength, is almost impossible.

And yet, many lost their loved ones, and manyIt is familiar feeling that they could not tell him something important in the life of a person. Some come in a dream to their deceased relatives and warn about something, they ask for something. In a dream, there is a kind of contact with the souls of the dead.

Ritual, how to evoke a ghost

I will give one ritual to call thisthe ghost of a deceased relative. Why a relative? Because it is unlikely that ancestors will knowingly harm their descendants. So, if you take risks, then at least not so much.

So, first of all, we must prepare. Go to church, pray for your ancestors, for God to forgive them of their sins. Forgive yourself of all your ancestors, even those you do not know for, that maybe one of them could pass on his kind of negative, or a generic curse.

To call a ghost, you will need:

  • a thick church candle;
  • thermometer (indicator of the presence of a ghost, since the appearance of ghosts is always accompanied by a decrease in temperature);
  • photo of the deceased relative.

You can try to remove the moment the ghost appeared on the video camera.

Everything is ready for you. In the evening, preferably on the day of Saturn (this is Saturday), on the new moon (new moon, it's the days of Hecate, goddess in charge of the underworld), put out the light, light the candle. Put it in front of the mirror, and put a picture of the summoned so that it, leaning on a burning candle, looked in the mirror.

  1. Start with prayer. Ask the Almighty to help you with the ritual;
  2. Call the ghost of a relative, calling him byname. Encourage him to come to you and show his face. Be focused, do not take your eyes off the candle flame in the mirror, do not get distracted by anything. Repeat the call again and again until you receive a response;
  3. If the ghost wants to talk with you, you will feel air fluctuations and a sharp drop in temperature;
  4. Now, if he appeared, say: "Peace be with you (name)! Please answer my questions. "

Remember that questions should be asked so that they can be answered in monosyllables. The answer usually can be in the form, or any knock, noise, or sensation, perhaps painful.

Make sure that you are facing the ghost you called, asking him a few questions.

When you have finished the conversation, thank the ghost, and release him in peace.

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