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How to number without a title page?

A feature of many scientific (written) works, such as, for example, abstracts, diploma or course projects, is the numbering of pages without the title page.

About how to put the general numbering of the Ward text, we told in the article How in Word to number the pages.

We offer you a short instruction, from which you will learn how to number without the title page of the page in this text editor.

  1. Create a multi-page document in the text editor of Microsoft Office Word.
  2. In the main top menu we find the "Insert" tab and go to it.
  3. In the expanded menu of the tab, we find the section "Headers and footers".
  4. In this section, select "Page number" and click on the small inverted triangle next to this inscription.
  5. In the expanded menu choose the appropriate numbering option - the editor automatically activates the editing mode "Working with headers and footers".
  6. Find the tab "Designer" - "Parameters" - "Special footer for the first page" and mark the last field with a marker.
  7. On the title page of one of the keys "Delete" or "Backspace" remove the number.
  8. Double click on the working area of ​​the document to exit the editing mode for headers and footers.

As a result, we get a document with numbered pages except for the title page.

You can also read about working with the page numbering option in the text editor of Microsoft Office Word in the article How to remove page numbering.

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