To enter the global Internet, we needsoftware that will do this. This can help the browser. Let's consider further, for what the browser is necessary, what browsers are and how to use them.

Browser Features

As already noted, the browser is needed to enterInternet, with the help of which there is contact with the global network. But you also need a valid user request, which is entered in the working fields of the program. Therefore, another purpose of the browser is to view Internet pages, electronic documents, files and directories.

Also, the browser allows us to adjust ourquery, For example, when a user made a mistake in writing a word or a combination of words, the browser offers him the option of introducing the information sought. This expresses one more purpose of the browser, that is, it facilitates the processing of information that the user is dealing with.

In addition, the browser has the function of managing the information received by the user.

The structure of the browser

The browser functions are more specificdisplay its purpose. And because they are closely intertwined with its capabilities, individually laid by the developer. However, there is also the most general scheme of the browser, which, perhaps, is present in every browser. The difference is often only in appearance, that is, in the interface.

Often the user can see only his user interface, which includes:

  • address bar;
  • buttons «Back» and «Forward»;
  • the bookmarks menu.

The first is the main participant in the procedureforming a custom query. Buttons and bookmarks help in the management of the system. But the user interface is only the upper layer of the iceberg, though without which further work would simply be impossible. Next, the program, in the structure of which it is singled out:

  • browser mechanism;
  • a mapping module;
  • network components;
  • the executive part of the user interface;
  • interpreter;
  • data store.

It's unlikely that an average user is familiar with an "internal" browser device. Perhaps, this is only possible for programmers and developers. But in the general view of the browser's capabilities, it looks something like this.

Popular Browsers

At the moment there are manybrowsers that differ both in terms of the user interface, and in terms of "internal stuffing." Here are some examples of currently used browsers:

  • Internet Explorer;
  • Opera;
  • Mozila Firefox;
  • Google Chrome
  • Safari;
  • Yandex browser.

You can also use the following materials:

  • What does the browser mean?
  • How to install the browser
  • How to set up your browser
  • Browsers
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