If other holidays can be celebrated asIt turns out that the New Year everyone wants to celebrate in a special way, interesting and fun. Some people prefer to spend it in the family circle at home, others celebrate in entertainment venues, while others opt for travel. In this article we will tell you where to celebrate the New Year, so that the holiday is a success.

New year in Russia

If you are not going to celebrate the New Year forborder, you can still choose a lot of options that will provide you with a good mood and vivid impressions. Even if you choose a family holiday with your family, but you carefully plan the program, you will not be bored. Often, several families who have been friends for a long time, gather at someone's house on December 31 and celebrate the New Year all together. So a guest to celebrate a holiday can be much more fun.

A good option is a party in the club, baror a restaurant. Such institutions are preparing for the event in advance, thinking through every detail. So the program for sure will be interesting for all members of the family. If you have small children, of course, it is better to choose a more peaceful place, where there will be a big Christmas tree, Santa Claus with gifts and everything in this spirit.

Many families prefer to celebrate such a holidayin the country. This is an excellent choice if you are going to gather families and invite relatives and friends. You can arrange shish kebabs in the fresh air, play snowballs, make a snowman, spend dinner by the fireplace, and then build a fire and sit with him, singing songs to the guitar.

If you and your friends do not have their own dacha,you can always find the optimal and inexpensive option for renting a New Year's holiday country house with all the amenities. New Year always want to spend joyfully and somehow differently than other holidays, so go for a few days to another city where you have not been before. But remember that you should look for accommodation and plan your vacation in advance, because in the New Year's days it may simply not be a convenient option, and if it turns out, it will certainly cost many times more than if you reserve it in advance.

Where to celebrate New Year abroad

If your financial capacity allows, thenit is better to choose the celebration of the New Year in another country. It is a great opportunity to see something new, to get vivid impressions and a sea of ​​positive emotions. By the way, about the sea: meeting such a holiday on the beach is a real fairy tale. You can choose Thailand for your New Year's trip, where more and more tourists from Russia have recently departed. After all, this country is for us visa-free, which in many ways facilitates the trouble. In the capital of Bangkok, you can have a great time. Hotels are relatively cheap, so accommodation and meals will not cost much. But you can visit one of the islands of the country to meet the New Year on the beach near the sea.

A good option would be Egypt. If you want to move from winter to summer and celebrate a holiday unusually, then safely take the tickets there. In the afternoon you can swim in the sea, and in the evening you can go for walks. The hotels will organize a cheerful New Year's program, so it will be fun for adults and children alike.

Fans of this fabulous winter canto advise Finland. It is better to rent a small cottage with a Finnish sauna. Rest will be very active, as you can not only enjoy the winter scenery, but also skiing, racing and riding snowstorms.

Of course, you can go to the New Year alsoto Italy, to France, to Germany, etc. - at your discretion. "European Classics" for such a holiday will give you an unforgettable experience. You can choose a good eight-day tour, which includes a visit to Warsaw, Berlin, Paris and Prague. Moving is carried out by bus, so you will have time to see the most beautiful European cities and their main attractions.

A nine-day tour suggests visitingNew Year holidays to Holland, Germany, Belgium, France, Poland and the Czech Republic. So many countries in such a short period - this is a real gift to yourself and your family for the New Year. From the capital you will be able to leave on December 27th, so all the New Year's troubles, cleaning and cooking you will safely leave behind and meet the holiday in the streets of Europe with a glass of champagne in your hand, as is usually done here.

On the topic, read also our article Where to celebrate the New Year.

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