Choose or make an individual bouquet for a gift is not difficult. In this issue, the main aspect is who you give these flowers to:

  • woman;
  • a man;
  • an elderly person;
  • to the young man;
  • to kid.

If you think what flowers to give to your close people, then it's best to choose their loved ones.

Women are usually given flowers more often thansomeone, so the choice for a gift is huge: from the most modest field flowers, to very exotic and rare. The most universal bouquets are considered delicate and elegant, which are decorated with a variety of greenery:

  • gypsophila;
  • asparagus;
  • nephrolepis.

His favorite wife is best to give those flowers that she loves very much or those that were used in the wedding bouquet.

Flowers in different cases

  • What flowers to give to the girl? It is appropriate here to use unopened buds of tender and pastel shades in the bouquet. The older the culprit of the celebration, the brighter and lush the bouquet should be.
  • Never give lilies to an elderly lady - it causes awful associations, because such colors, often, escorted to the last path.
  • Never come to a sick person with white flowers - this is a new stress. In such a situation, flowers with a minimal smell and a calm shade will be appropriate.
  • Women aged more like flowers in pots or strict bouquets, but not red.
  • Flowers of pink color give to people whoreached any age, anyway and to any gender. Such a bouquet shows a good attitude towards the culprit of the event. Such flowers like everyone, and most importantly - it's a great mood and a smile.
  • White flowers are typical for the most solemn occasions, for example, weddings.

What is better to give flowers to young girls? There are also options:

  • chamomile;
  • snowdrops;
  • lily of the valley.

Such flowers and bouquets are considered symbols of blossoming youth and purity.

Flowers for all occasions

  • With red color in bouquets it is better to be cautious. Such flowers should be given to the person to whom you feel the most tender and intimate feelings. If the color is dark red, then it is considered a symbol of great love and passion, so give such flowers only to loved ones.
  • If a young man wants to part with his girl beautifully, then it is best to give flowers of yellow color, but not roses.
  • If you want to make your favorite a pleasant surprise on March 8, then bring her a bouquet of scarlet tulips.
  • Yellow flowers are usually given to creative individuals, because it is a symbol of sunlight and unexpected success.

What flowers can you give to those people whooriginal in nature? Give this person a bouquet of blue or purple flowers. So you show that you appreciate the refinement of the person to whom the bouquet is intended.

At this stage, many different colors appearedvarious colors: from the blackest to green. Do not pick up a bouquet of one tone, but choose a beautiful color scheme. Remember, green is a symbol of hope, and black is a sign of sadness and sad notes of your heart.

Flowers for men

What flowers do men give? Such bouquets are becoming more fashionable. The symbol of such a gift is independence, success and victory. It is best to give men such flowers:

  • roses;
  • carnations;
  • tulips;
  • chrysanthemums;
  • lilies;
  • peonies.

The color scale should be selected with a monotone or more solid, with a note of seriousness: white, red, green. Colorful bouquets of men are best not to give.

On the anniversary it is right to give flowers of the same species, which in their number correspond to the date. Do not give an even number of colors, because this is not customary to do.

Flowers for loved ones

Close people are pleased to get you from the field,meadow or forest flowers, but not for solemn events. If you go on a date to a girl, then give her a beautiful flower of gentle color, which will give her a good mood. Spikes from flowers clean immediately, so as not to injure the hands of his companion. If you go to your girlfriend to get acquainted with her parents, then give her and her mother two identical bouquets. So you will make both nice, and also do not offend anyone.

When you make bouquets, then remember that among themselves are simply incompatible:

  • carnations;
  • roses;
  • lilies;
  • daffodils;
  • lily of the valley.

Of these colors is best to make a separatebouquet. What flowers are given to women, still remains a controversial topic, which has different theories. Remember that not all are fond of artificial flowers, as well as flowers in pots. Therefore, before you make a gift, know in advance the person's attitude towards such things.

Do not give those flowers, which soon fall petals, do not give an armful of flowers. Show a level of high taste and aesthetics in your bouquet, then you will succeed!

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