Many of us have been to weddings or in rolesguests or in the role of young, but sometimes our friends offer to be witnesses at their wedding. Then we immediately begin to think about whether such an offer is suitable for us? To fully learn about what the witness should do at the wedding, we invite you, dear readers, to read our article.

The very first rule of going to a wedding in a roleThe witness is the verification of the wedding plan. It is better to write down to yourself on the sheet what you plan to do. Just do not forget the wedding details, such as rings, champagne, or if the wedding will be held according to tradition, all the requisites for the purchase of a beautiful bride.

To be active

Still note that the witness must be activeat the wedding. He must participate in all kinds of fun, competitions, quizzes, arranged by the toastmaster. Similarly, the witness must support the groom, be his "support", help answer the tricky questions and see that the groom "was on top."

As soon as the "coach" of the young arrives in the registry office,you, the witness, should control the photographer, so that all the wonderful moments were captured. You can also order in place of or together with a photographer, a video operator.

Once the marriage procedure is over, then you should inspect the building of the wedding palace, perhaps some important thing in a hurry has been forgotten. But this is not all that the witness does.

Help guests

You have to prepare a small traditionalattributes for the exit of the newlyweds from the registry office are petals of flowers (often roses), rice, coins. Explain to the guests why this is done and how to properly throw such props, so as not to harm the young.

According to custom, after registration, the newlyweds go for a walksights of his city. And you, as a witness, must seat expensive and already a few "gay" guests on cars. When you are out for a walk, as a witness, you should be watching if everything is smooth with the young, whether they look beautiful in the frame.

What a witness does at a wedding

Before the beginning of the celebration, all guests give giftsyoung, and it is the witness who collects gifts and watches to be taken to a secret place where no one can "privatize" them. The witness should not sit in one place, but entertain the guests in the same way. Since not all guests are so uninhibited to participate in various contests and games. If you succeed, you can "pull" a couple of guests to participate in quizzes, as if "lighting" the guests. Of course, the toastmaster will also entertain guests, but he works according to the program, and you should, as an interested person, do everything in your power to make the program complete and complete.

Duties of the witness

The witness does almost the same thing asand a witness, she is paired with a witness. Helps him maintain the program, monitors the guests and participates in contests, even if they are contrary to her views. She, like a witness, should support a cheerful and festive atmosphere at the banquet. In addition to all of the above, the witness should help the bride wear a wedding dress. Usually she comes to her home and helps her to dress, make up and make up her hair. Although in our time for these purposes the bride more often invites professionals.

What witnesses should do after the celebration

After the celebration ended, the youngthey leave first. And the witnesses make sure that the gifts are packed and sent to the address. Also, witnesses escort guests to the parking lot. Once all the guests have parted, then your duties as witnesses end. So now you can go to rest home or, if you still have a "fuse", continue to celebrate outside the banquet hall.

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