Each of us has a holiday. And if this holiday is with a loved one, congratulating him wants with imagination and impressively. The gift itself often does not carry a semantic load, but the postcard attached to the presentation is often remembered better and makes an impression more strongly. How to sign a card to a loved one, so that he feels the warmth and love that you feel for him? How to make your congratulations like and remember?

How to sign a card to your beloved boyfriend

To get started, select a postcard that maximizeswould suit him. Do not buy trivial cards with the inscription "Beloved". Even worse, if the whimsical text inside the card will be the only greeting from you. You can give such a postcard to a colleague or a person who is not very close.

People usually do not react very positively tocongratulatory poems that you found somewhere on the net. That is, most likely, such a text "does not catch". Quite different will sound a congratulation if you borrow the phrase about love from a great person.

If you plan to develop your relationship,let your beloved know it in greeting wishes. Best of all, if you write words that go from the heart. For example, "I am happier when I remember your eyes," or "Native, this holiday gave me a chance to remind you that I will always be there."

Remember what I would like to achieve in lifeguy? For example, he wants to get a job or buy a car. Write that you want him more than he would like to receive, but you can submit it nontrivially. If your fiance wants to rise to the rank of colonel, write to him: "I wish you that your wife had a husband-general." If he is saving money for a used car, write "I want the salon in your Lamborghini always to match the color of my dress."

With such small and jocular wishes, you will let know that you know him better than others, and strive to be close.

How beautiful to sign a card to your beloved

If in the bought copy of the card already existstext that suits you very well, do not remove or glue it. Put another insert inside, on which, actually, and write your wishes.

You can draw an inscription with paper figures glued to the corners of the text. Do not fasten butterflies and flowers - it seems to the guy inappropriate. The heart is fine.

Especially effective will be if you dopostcard yourself. Today, the art of scrap-booking is very common, you can buy everything you need in a special department store. Having received such a gift, your loved one can not fail to appreciate it.

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