Love at least once in a life experienced everyhuman. This is a familiar feeling, as a rule, it is difficult to describe, analyze. When you love - everything is clear: what's there to explain, what do you feel about it. A person who experiences love can not not betray himself: he has already changed both internally and externally. And such strong emotions almost always affect both behavior and psychology. What do you feel when you truly love?

Happiness and pain

Some lovers talk about what they feela storm of feelings, a sea of ​​emotions, often directly opposite to each other. Experiencing love, just shines with happiness (especially when the object of his feelings is somewhere nearby, or better - at arm's length). At the same time, he can feel the feeling of pain from fear of losing a loved one, the pain of separation, even when he leaves for a little while. So, as the poet wrote, "Do not part with your loved ones!"

The brain "in love"

They say that when you love, you feel loveeach cell, "all the fibers of the soul." Anthropologists conducted special studies, proving that the brain of a person who is "in love" is significantly different in number of features. Thus, H. Fisher, the project leader, identified as many as thirteen such signs, confirming her theory with chemical formulas.

The feeling of dependence

And some compare love with a kinddrug addiction. And partly in this there is some truth. The body of a man in love, his brain, produces special substances - endorphins, the so-called "hormones of happiness." That's why all lovers literally shine from the inside!

And strong love (especially, unrequited)can lead to instability in the emotional and physical terms. So if you are watching excitement, euphoria, sudden influx of energy, insomnia, loss of appetite, unreasonable anxiety, then for sure you are in love!

More about the feelings you read in the materials:

  • What are the feelings?
  • How girls like
  • How do you know that you do not love him?
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