Often after the wedding, men complain that their wivesbehave differently than before the marriage. But it's fair to say that husbands do not treat their wives as their beloved. To correct the situation, you can use several tips that will prompt you how to behave with your wife. These recommendations have been tested in practice and many families have helped restore a shaken relationship.


A woman by nature - mother, wife,homemaker. All these duties impose on it a certain status, responsibility and the desire to deal with them well. If a woman does not hear praise in her address, she begins to doubt her abilities, and ultimately can be completely disappointed in herself. Do not allow this, constantly praise your wife, talk about her virtues, skills, culinary talents. Do not be afraid to praise, the higher you appreciate her efforts, the more she will strive to match them.

Interesting material on the topic can be found in the article How should the wife behave.


Almost every man agrees thata woman listens a little and talks a lot. It's from what she craves to be heard. Female logic inspires her that the more information she informs her husband, the better he will understand her. If the husband wants his wife to be more restrained in the speech, he needs to learn to listen to it from the first time, then the second or even the third conversation will not be needed. Listening does not necessarily mean doing as the wife says, here the man himself has the right to make decisions. However, the husband should explain why he does this and be ready to bear responsibility for his actions. Seeing that her opinion was taken into account, it would be easier for the wife to accept her husband's position.

Useful tips for wives are in the article How to behave with her husband.

Do not skimp on compliments

Men need respect and recognition, women -love and compliments. Warm, gentle words, like rain, will moisten the heart of the wife, and nurture the reciprocal feelings in him. Smile, attentiveness, affectionate touch, tender word and benevolence - that's what you can not replace with money and expensive gifts.

Find time to talk

A woman always wants to remain a woman,it does not matter how many years have been lived in marriage. Therefore, it is possible from time to time to arrange pleasant surprises, to find time to be alone. The wife will certainly appreciate the dinner prepared by her husband and will be grateful to him for any help in the house. Such a manifestation of participation and joint work will bring together the spouses and help them better understand each other.

No less interesting will be an article of our resource. How a married man behaves.

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