The first to admit to love a boy is very difficult. And most of the girls, believe that this step must necessarily make a strong sex. However, boys are also full of their fears and doubts. Especially if the girl looks unassailable. If you have such a trait, you will have to admit your feelings, bruising fear of ridicule and shyness. And the recognition of love for a boy can be done, both unforgettable, and visualized.

We admit to love the boy

If you decide to confess your love to the boypublicly, looking him straight in the eye, then do it, do not. Because, recognition is purely personal, and with a large crowd of people, it loses its charm. And the reciprocal feelings can be destroyed if someone decides to mock your couple. Also, you should not admit to love if your loved one has a bad mood or he is very busy with something, because you can anger him by distracting him from an important occupation, and it does not matter that he, maybe, loves you too . Acting at such a moment, you only ruin the relationship, but do not reach your goal in any way. But you can invite the boy for a walk or arrange a meeting under some pretext and there to utter these treasured three words. Thinking about how to admit love to a boy, you can not drop the option with the Internet. You can write a beautiful confession and send him an email. You can not even mention his name, just in case the feelings are not reciprocal and in return you will receive, only ridicule. After that, you could say that you just wanted to play it and came up with it with your friends, or you can say that the letter was addressed to him, not to him, but to an entirely different boy, especially if the confession to the boy was made in a poetic form.

If you are shy

The most shy girls hesitate to admitin love, but for them there are a couple of ways. You can confess your love to the boy by giving him an anonymous note. Plus is that you can see the boy's reaction to recognition, and minus - it can push him to another girl, if not tell the truth. But it's up to you. You can even write poetry - a declaration of love to a boy, and let him read, so he appreciates, and ask him, "And if they were meant for you?". So you will see his reaction and will already decide on the situation. The second way involves some veiled recognition in love. For example, you can ask him for help, and how to say thank you: "I love you!". You can just say these three cherished words and look at his reaction, if he answers with a refusal, then just say that they rehearsed in this way, but in general you like the other. And be sure to thank him for his help, and ask for forgiveness, and say that they did not want to offend him.

Opinion of psychologists

According to psychologists, it is better for girls not toto admit love to boys, and to make hints to him, of course, a beautiful declaration of love to a boy, it's good, but with a negative reaction of the object of adoration, many girls begin to hyperbolize the situation, and this leads only to shame, a sense of worthlessness and depression. It is better to interest him, for example, you can learn about his hobby and do the same, and then you will often intersect, you will be able to get to know each other better and decide what to do next.

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