The relationship between a man and a woman is a topiccomplex, and that only in them is not present: both pleasures, and tears, and meetings, and parting, both happiness, and changes. By the way, about the latter. Strange as it may seem, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this question. For each his own concept of treason.

Types of change

What is treason? There are a lot of answers, everyone has their own. We know infidelity to the Motherland, adultery, betrayal between a guy and a girl, treason to oneself. If you betrayed the Motherland - this, of course, is treason, and there is no forgiveness for you. If you have changed a spouse, breaking a vow of loyalty, then this betrayal and betrayal, if you meet simultaneously with two girls, then deceives both, and then you are a traitor. If you acted so that it contradicts your inner convictions and moral principles, then you have changed yourself.

The most common, and probably calleda lot of disputes and discussions, this is adultery. By concluding a marriage, you give a promise to each other that you will always be true to each other. But not always everything promised is true. It's no secret that because of the change, most of the marriages fall apart. The opinion of change is highly subjective, and each has its own. One seems that sleeping a couple of times with an unfamiliar and cute guy or girl is not at all treason, especially if the husband or wife does not find out about anything.

Attitude to change

Why are there treasons, and who is to blame for them? So historically, that to male treason we have a more loyal attitude. Like, physiology, there's nothing to be done. And often the wives forgive their unlucky husbands, writing off male infidelity for natural polygamy. Women's treason is not forgiven by society, and moreover, strongly condemned. Women's treason to this day, even in our advanced society is considered a mortal sin.

It is also interesting that traitors themselves rarelyconsider themselves as such, looking for a lot of excuses: I do not like her / him, it was drunk, I was alone / alone and I became so lonely, etc. To the partner that has changed, the attitude is completely different. We can not forgive another person what we forgive ourselves. What can we say, we always love ourselves a little more than even a very close person.

Traitors are different

There are those who have strayed from the "true path" only once, and then accidentally.

There are those who change spiritually, that is, live with one, and all of his thoughts, feelings and spiritual impulses are directed entirely at the other person.

There are those who have a "legitimate" lover or lover, and they meet regularly.

There are also such traitors who have two families at once, and so they live their entire lives, here and there, delivering pain and suffering to both, and others. And it's unlikely that such people have a question what is treason.

It is interesting that recently,the institution of family and marriage somehow surrenders its position, and this gives rise to a too easy attitude towards infidelity. What is treason? What was previously banned, today, as they say, in free access. Whether we are too superficial to each other, or whether now is such a time, it is not known. However, do not forget that by changing to your lover, you hurt him, inflict a strong mental wound, destroying not only his impression of you, but his whole world as a whole.

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