The very first data coming to the mother anddoctors about a newborn baby, this is an indication of its weight and height. According to this information, the first assessment of the child's general condition is given. So how much should a child weigh after his birth?

What weight at birth is normal

Most pediatricians agree thatthe optimal weight values ​​are between 3 kg and 4 kg. Malous are children weighing less than 3 kg, and those born with a weight of more than 4 kg - large. If the baby was born with insufficient weight, it means that he did not receive enough nutrients in the prenatal period, or the pregnancy period was associated with any complications. With underweight, preterm infants are most often born.

The appearance of a young child is not alwayscan be associated with complications. Perhaps because of his genetic predisposition, he is always destined to be small. With multiple pregnancies, too, children with low birth weight are often born.

Recently there has been a steady trendto the birth of large children. It is connected with the fact that future mothers began to eat better and get enough vitamins. However, you must be careful with food. After all, if a pregnant woman eats a lot, then together with her and the baby gaining excess weight. This can lead to injury during the birth process, both the child and the mother herself. Therefore, doctors often resorted to Caesarean section.

How does the newborn grow?

Parents other than numbers, how many should weighthe child is also interested in the indicator of his growth. The length of the body (growth) depends on the sex of the child (boys at birth weigh more girls), uteroplacental blood flow, the quality of the mother's nutrition and heredity. The rate of growth of a newborn varies from 44 to 56 cm.

The baby develops after birth to the following regularities:

  • The most intensive growth is observed from birth and up to 3 months of age, adding 3 cm per month.
  • On average, 2.5 cm, he adds to the 4th, 5th and 6th month of life.
  • 7-9 months - an increase in height is no more than 1.5-2 cm.
  • 10-12 month - not more than 1cm / month.

How does the weight of a newborn

Infant babies grow quite quickly. However, this does not happen immediately. How much should a child weigh in the first week after birth is not difficult to calculate, since during this time he can lose 8-10% of his original weight, but no more:

  • The initial weight loss is associated with the loss of fluid to the newborn, and the feeding regimen itself has not yet stabilized.
  • Then, during his first month, his daily increase is already 20 g.
  • 30 grams / day, your baby should add to your second month.
  • By the age of 4 months the weight of the newborn should be doubled.
  • For the first year of his life the baby should be 3 times heavier.
  • From the age of 2 years and up to the period of puberty, as a rule, the weight of the child increases with an average speed of 2 kg per year.

Formulas for calculating the weight of a child

The so-called body weight (what should be) is calculated by pediatricians according to the following schemes: Body mass = 800хN + body weight at birth:

N is the number of months. This formula correctly reflects the increase in the weight of the baby before reaching the age of 6 months.

Since the second half of the year, the rate of weight gain has decreased and the formula itself has become more complicated:

Weight of a body = 800х6 + 400х (N - 6) + weight at a birth

800x6 - weight gain for the first six months

N is the number of months (6-12).

Simplifying this scheme, we can say the following: at the age of six, the baby should weigh about 8,200 grams, in each subsequent month it is necessary to add 400 grams, and in each "extra" subtract 800 grams.

Body weight is an indicator with greater dynamics, indifference from "conservative" growth. Therefore, the body weight has a "binding" to the length of the body. For example, a body weight of 8 kg should correspond to a height of 65 cm. The ratio of how much the child should weigh in a certain period of his development and the length of his body is determined by the special tables that every pediatrician has.

Other interesting facts

  1. As a rule, the first child in terms of height and weight is less than all subsequent children.
  2. Still in the belly, the children learn the voice of their mother. After the birth of her face, they begin to recognize before others.
  3. In some cases, the child needs a noise that helps him fall asleep.
  4. To clean their nasal passages, children often snort and sneeze in a dream.
  5. Newborns cry, but they do not have tears.
  6. Slobbering in babies appears only in 2 months.
  7. In the first two years of life, the child's brain develops particularly intensively.
  8. All the nutrients necessary for the normal development of children can be obtained with the mother's milk up to 4 months of age.
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