We are all different, but there is so much that weunites. For example, the manner of greeting. I think that everyone in his life many times heard this notorious expression: "Hello! How are you? "Or its synonyms" Hello! How are you? "," How are you? "," How are you? "Or" How is life young? ". Well, to say, we lack originality, and we do not ask these questions more to find out how things are with a person, but in order to start a conversation. And what answer is most often received by the person who asked this question? Of course, "normal" or "good." Tired of responding to the standard? Then we will collect the answers to this question together, depending on the situation.

Standard answers

  • How to answer the question: "How are you?", When everything is normal in life, without special joys and sorrows? Options: business goes, the office writes; better than yesterday; things are going, life is in full swing; everything is fine; as usual, everything is fine, we live and are happy. Usually they react to people calmly, because such a reaction, most people, especially familiar, and expect.
  • The answers to the same question, when everythingvery good: best of all; all just great; so great that I want to dance / sing; superb, delightful, amazing, as in a beautiful movie; as in the book of true love; it's like a fairytale; fucking awesome; I fly on the wings of happiness; I am in the seventh heaven; like in paradise; spring in the shower; I flutter like a butterfly; happy, like never before. With these words you share joyful impressions with a person and have him to yourself.
  • Variants of answers when everything is bad: disgusting; worse than ever; it does not matter; I've been better; a black band in life; do not please; I do not remember when I last smiled, I want to shoot myself, bury me under the plinth. Such answers can cause a reaction in the form of questions: "Why? How so? How can I help?". Prepare for them and do not freak out on the person, maybe he wants to help you.
  • How can you respond to the question: "How are you?"So that a person realizes that his question is annoying or that he is behind? Some variants are rather rude, so be more careful with the choice of words: go to hell; not your (not your) business; back off; I'm married; better than you; Thank you, do not wait; you have indicated yourself; Are you saying goodbye already and will not even talk? Alternatively, you can simply ignore the question or send a person in a certain direction. You can perceive the question with irony and tell / describe your entire day, including trivia. The person who asked the question will soon get bored, zazevay and try to sneak away, just to not hear you.
  • You can write in response: "And you?". The interlocutor will answer his own question, and you can simply get away from the answer, throwing the conversation on another channel.

How to answer the question "How are you?"

  1. To the question: "How is life?" You can answer simply: "It is reduced".
  2. The prosecutor has cases, and I have so much ... business.
  3. In Hat.
  4. The head is still intact.
  5. Hello! I joined the society of those people who hate debilitating questions like: "How are you?".
  6. Like on a roller coaster: you close your eyes - scary, you open - it's sickening.
  7. Like Lenin, they do not feed and do not bury.
  8. It beats with a key and marks all the time on the head.
  9. Yes, that's three rubles is not enough for a helicopter.
  10. Cases in the archive.
  11. And to you what sorrow, sir?
  12. You can answer as the hero of the movie "The Fifth Element": "I just returned from work, I broke my car, I was fired, then robbed, and so everything is fine. Thank you for asking! ». Some words can be replaced with more suitable ones.

Often we want to say and write nasty thingsin response to this annoying question, but let us be tolerant of each other, especially those who are dear to us. Do not offend relatives and loved ones with rude answers, no matter how bad your mood. Close people write the truth, share joys and sorrows, because they really need to know how your affairs are. To all the rest, answer as openly as you wish, but try to be polite in any case.

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