Beautiful lacing sneakers, shoes - this, thougha small, but still an important detail of the style, in which, as we know, every detail matters. About simple and much more complex, non-trivial methods of lacing read in our article.

Simple ways of lacing

Classic cross-lacing

To lace up the laces on the sneakers in this way, thread the lace in both

lower holes. After that, cross the ends of the lace and take them through the next row of holes - from the inside out. Again, cross and cross the next row, and so on until the very end.

Straight Lacing

Pass the string into the bottom two holes. One end immediately leads through the upper hole, and the second thread all the holes (as if drawing letters D). At the very end, carefully align the length of the ends of the lace and tie them with the usual knot for you.

Lace-up for cycling

It allows you to lace the laces so that the tips are on the side, so they are not

They did not cling to the rotation of the pedals. Thread the lace into the bottom row of holes, from the inside. The left end of the lace is threaded from the outside into the next hole on its side, and then outward through the parallel hole on the opposite row of holes. The right end of the lace go inside on its own side, passing one hole. Then bring it out through a parallel hole in the adjacent row of holes. By analogy, make all the lacing.

Traditional lacing

Thread the shoestring in the bottom two holes. One end immediately outward through the very top hole on the opposite side, and the second end make the lacing to the very end, as if describing the triangles.

Complex ways of lacing

Railway for flat thin laces

Pass the string into the bottom holes, pulling the ends from the inside out. Now everyone

end of the lace go inside on its side. From the inside, cross the tips and take them out through the same holes that you just passed them through the lace. Only now, each tip will be on the opposite side. On the top again, run the tips through the next holes inward (without changing the side), and cross again at the bottom and repeat the same thing that was described above.

Heavy grating

This lacing is suitable for wide flatlaces and shoes for 6 pairs of holes and more. If you think how to lace up your shoelaces beautifully and interestingly, then this method is sure to please you. To implement it, thread the lace from the inside into the bottom row

holes. Each outwardly drawn tip you will need to pass inside on the opposite side, leaving 2 holes free. Inside, you will need to return each end of the shoelace along its back, to the first free hole. Then the lace will need to be pulled out and again pass inside on the opposite side, passing 2 pairs of holes. Repeat these steps until the free holes run out.

We also offer you other articles on this subject:

  • How to tie shoelaces
  • How to tie your shoes
  • How to beautifully lace up sneakers
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