Unfortunately, no one is immune from the appearance of a bruise on the body, or, worse, on the face.

The bruises look ugly, hurt, do not succumb to disguise, but go on for a very long time. A large bruise on the face needs up to 10 days to completely disappear.

How to remove a bruise: simple ways

Of course, it's great if you have at handspecial pharmaceutical means for fighting bruises. They are effective, and they are convenient to carry with you in your purse or keep in your home medicine chest. These include heparin ointment, as well as various pharmacy ointments from bruises and bruises.

Good bruise removes the powder of the body sponge. From it make a thick creamy mixture and apply to the damaged skin. After drying, rinse with water. Do this procedure twice a day, avoiding application to the area around the eyes.

Immediately after the blow to the site of the injury, you need to put something cold. Perfectly suitable package with vegetables from the freezer. Usually enough 15-20-minute contact with the cold to prevent the appearance of a bruise.

If the swelling is asleep, then the bruise can be warmed up - thisaccelerates the regeneration of tissues, and the entire healing process will be successful. Apply a hot egg or warm salt to the bruise in a rag bag. Warmings are done for 15 minutes 3 times a day.

Rub on a grater onion, add to it a teaspoon of salt. The resulting mixture should be wrapped in tissue and applied several times a day for about half an hour.

Good help from swelling and bruising compresses fromcabbage leaves, plantain, potato starch. Leaves of cabbage and plantain should be hammered off beforehand or crushed with hands to make juice appear. Starch is brewed with warm boiled water. Also effective is a mixture of grated beets and honey or a compress made from apple cider vinegar, iodine and salt, which are applied to the bruise several times a day.

Additional useful tips can be found in these articles:

  • How to quickly get rid of bruises
  • How to cure a bruise
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