Stains on the face, whether pigmented or stains frompimples, can greatly spoil the appearance. And this problem is relevant not only for women, but also for men. In the modern world, a person's face plays an important role, because when you meet new people, they pay attention to the person. Therefore, in this article we will look at how to remove stains on the face. The article looks at various ways that you can use at home.

Causes of the appearance of age spots

Previously, people believed that the pigmentation spots on the faceappear and disappear because of the activity of the sun. However, now doctors know that the causes of the appearance of age spots can be cuts, trauma and improper cosmetic procedures, as well as the influence of hormones.

What is the root of the problem? The fact that the pigmentation of the skin in humans is due to the hormone melanin. In some people, this hormone is produced actively. On the one hand, these people can be called lucky, because they always have a smooth tan on their skin, and it lasts a long time. On the other hand, these people are prone to the appearance of spots on the skin. Typically, the causes of the appearance of pigment spots are antibiotics and drugs that can cause melanin activity. Also, pigmentation spots appear in pregnant women.

It is worth noting, pigment spots can besymptoms of serious diseases. For example, pigmented spots can indicate diseases of the endocrine system, cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract, as well as liver disease, disruption of the nervous system. If you find that you have pigmented spots on your face, for example, in the center, then this is a sure signal about the occurrence of serious problems of the gastrointestinal tract. Pigmented spots around the eyes may indicate thyroid gland diseases.

How to get rid of age spots

The most important thing is first of all to see a dermatocosmetologist. It is he who will be able to determine what are the causes of the appearance of these spots, and to prescribe a treatment. It is also possible to have a medical examination.

You can remove stains in the following ways:

  • Cosmetic procedures. This includes chemical peelings, as well as therapy based on the use of cocktails enriched with vitamin C. Photorejuvenation and lightening of the skin, laser correction.
  • Care at home. Everyone is able to take care of their skin at home. For this, you can use peelings, masks, as well as special creams that have a clarifying effect on the skin. You need to choose such a prescription based on the prescription. It is desirable to pay attention to the products containing extracts of boldo leaves.
  • You can also use products containing various herbs. Including peppermint, medicinal melissa.
  • As for serums and creams, they should be used daily, the environment adversely affects our skin. Choose moisturizing creams and use them before bedtime.

More information on how to remove pigment spots on the face, you can learn from the article How to remove pigmentation spots.

How to get rid of spots after acne

The question of how to get rid of the spots that remain after the acne should be considered separately.

  • There are many different ways, butThe most effective are the usual masks. The mask can be made at home from green clay. You should also add the essential oil of rosemary.
  • Now add 20 milliliters of cool water. The mask should be applied to the dark areas of the skin where the spots remain. Keep the mask for 10 minutes. Rosemary oil can be used several times a day to eliminate stains.
  • You can also use one tablespoon of tomato pulp, which you need to mix with a dessert spoon of starch and apply to the skin for about 15 minutes.
  • One of the easiest ways to get rid of stains is the cucumber juice. Cucumber should be squeezed in a juicer, then moistened with a few tampons and applied to the skin.
  • In China, skin care has always been usedtea tree. Its oil can be used just to eliminate stains. Tea tree oil should be mixed in equal proportions with lemon juice or lavender oil.
  • A good way to eliminate stains on the skin fromAcne is the use of garlic. It is enough to cut off a small slice and mix it with lemon juice and chopped parsley. Further, all this should be poured with boiling water and boiled over low heat for 10 minutes. The resulting mixture must be cooled by wetting a tampon, applied to the skin. Also this mixture can be put in the refrigerator and then poured into ice molds. This will help you apply it more easily to the skin.
  • Among the cosmetic products that can helpTo get rid of such spots, it is necessary to allocate cosmetic paraffin. It is enough to melt it and apply it with a cotton swab. However, it should be remembered that paraffin can cause an allergic reaction. In particular, paraffin can cause the appearance of a network. In this case, it should definitely be abandoned.
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