Treatment of fungal nail diseases on the legs is a rather difficult problem. You can cope with it only with the help of special medicines.

Below we will talk in more detail about what means and methods can be cured nails on the legs.

What is a nail fungus?

Before embarking on the treatment of nails, you needto find out what exactly triggered the development of a fungal infection. Onychomycosis (in other words, nail fungus) is a disease that leads to the development of fungal infections. Fungi-dermatophytes are the main cause of this disease. Consider the classification of onychomycosis.

Onychomycosis happens:

  • Normotrophic - the color of the nail changes, stripes and spots appear.
  • Hypertrophic - the color of the nail changes, its shine is lost, the shape is thickened and changed. The nail on the edges can collapse.
  • Atrophic - rejection of the affected part of the nail from the nail base.

Places of infection with fungus

A person can catch a fungus in a bath,swimming pool, in public places, in the gym. In the locker rooms, where people change clothes, go barefoot and use common sports objects, the likelihood of onychomycosis is increasing. When the disease progresses, the nail begins to gradually break down, break up. Skin roller (cuticle), which surrounds the nail plate, also disappears. Pus may appear from the wound.

How to cure nails on legs: antifungal agents

Consider drugs that are used to treat fungal infection.

  • Canison. The drug is used against dermatophytes, moldy fungi, blastomycetes, actinomycetes, dimorphic fungi.
  • Exodermil. Antifungal medicinal product. It contains the active ingredient naphthyfine. Exoderyl suppresses the biosynthesis of ergosterol in mushroom cells.
  • Microspores. The product effectively fights against all kinds of fungi, fungal diseases (trichophytosis, microsporia, epidermophytia), corynebacteria. Microspores penetrate well into the nail structure and contribute to its strengthening.

These antifungal agents have a positive effect on the overall condition of the nail affected by the fungus.


Antimycotics are used to treat antifungal diseases: they are medicines that prevent the development of the fungus. The most popular of them are:

  • Lamisyl. Antifungal agent used to treat fungal diseases of the skin, hair and nails. Thanks to the special substances that are part of this product, the cells of the fungus die in a relatively short time.
  • Orungal. An antifungal drug that affects yeast, yeast-like, mold fungi, as well as mushrooms dermatophytes.
  • Diflucan. This agent inhibits the synthesis of sterols in the fungal cell. Effectively fights with yeast, yeast-like, mold fungi. The drug quickly penetrates into the tissues of the body and is well excreted by the kidneys.
  • Nizoral. An antifungal drug that effectively fights with yeast, dimorphic fungi, as well as mushrooms dermatophytes and eumitsa (higher fungi).

To fully get rid of fungal diseases, it is necessary to combine the use of antifungal agents (antimycotics) and ointments.

More information on the treatment of nails can be found in the article How to Cure Your Nails.

Folk methods

For the treatment of fungal diseases special solutions are used. To prepare the solution you will need:

  • 2 tsp. alcohol;
  • 2. ч.л. acetic essences;
  • 1 tsp glycerin.

This solution must be lubricated by the patientnail on the leg every day. The number of procedures is 20-30. As a result, a sick nail entirely or only the part of the fingernail that is affected by the fungus may fall off. It depends on the degree of infection of the nail fungus and timely treatment. In case of contact with the skin, apply grease to the skin.

Observance of Precautions

  • Do not use other people's towels, shoes, or nail care tools.
  • When visiting public places, protect your feet with special antifungal agents (ointments, lacquers).
  • Wash your feet thoroughly using salt and laundry soap, and wear comfortable shoes.

Other related articles on this topic:

  • Than to treat a nail fungus of legs or foots
  • How to cure a fungus How to treat a fungus on legs
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