Streptoderma is a skin disease thatmanifests itself in the form of abscesses of small size. However, if the treatment is not started on time, there will be further damage to the skin, which will lead to ulceration. Most often, people with a weak immune system suffer from this ailment.

Below are presented the medicinal and folk methods of streptoderma treatment.

How to treat streptodermia in a traditional way

If the disease is treated with conventional therapy, then it is necessary to take bactericidal preparations. Usually a comprehensive approach is proposed.

Preparations orally

  • Patients are often prescribed antibiotics of the penicillin group. For example, "Amoxiclav" or "Augmentin".
  • More safe drugs are antibiotics of the macrolide group. This includes tablets "Erythromycin" and "Azithromycin".

However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that antibiotics can be contraindicated for one reason or another.

  • For example, if a patient is not recommended to take penicillin, the doctor may prescribe "Doxibene".
  • In severe forms of the disease, experts advise taking "Tetradox", "Rovamycin" or "Macropen".
  • If the patient began treatment immediately after the appearance of the first ulcer, then prescribe drugs such as "Vibramycin" or "Unidox-solutab".

External preparations

As for ointments, they should also be based on antibiotics. For the treatment of streptoderma use "Heliomycin", "Erythromycin" ointment, as well as ointment "Lorinden S".

Before treatment it is important to consult a specialist so that the doctor correctly selects the drugs. Especially it concerns the treatment of children.

How to treat streptodermia folk way

In the treatment of streptodermia, various decoctions and tinctures are considered effective agents.

Healing tinctures

For example, it is possible to prepare a tincture based onSophores. To do this, you need to grind the plant and pour it with alcohol or vodka. After this, it is required to put a bubble with the contents in a dark cool place for two to three weeks. It is recommended to make lotions on the affected area several times a day. In addition, ready tincture can be purchased at the pharmacy.

You can also make a tincture of hazel. Brew a tablespoon of dry leaves in a glass of boiling water and let the mixture infuse. Divide the contents of the mug into several receptions and use the infusion before eating.


Coping with the disease will help decoction based onsage. Mix half a glass of chopped plant with two glasses of boiling water and cook the mixture for ten minutes. Cool the broth and divide into five to six receptions.

Prevention of streptoderma

The most important rule is observance of personal hygiene. It is also important to limit yourself from contact with people who are susceptible to this disease.

In addition, do not forget to treat infectious diseases in a timely manner. Often, children are weakened immunity, so it is important to carefully monitor the health of the child.

The next rule is the treatment of wounds and insect bites with special preparations.

Important is a healthy lifestyle (proper nutrition, sports, sleep).

Perhaps you are interested in our section of Skin Diseases, which is dedicated to various skin diseases.

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