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How to style your hair?

Change your image you want owners of anylength of hair. To do this, they try on themselves a lot of different hairstyles and styles. But before you lay your hair, you should look to see if you need a new styling. Also, to make hair more diverse, you need to take care of several types of hairbrushes, hair dryer, gel, mousse, ironing and other accessories.

We lay short hair

Lovers of short haircuts are free inself-expression, and to look chic, you need to master only some of the techniques of laying. And to lay hair in house conditions, it is possible and by means of the most simple means.

For daily hairstyles, you should apply mousse for styling on clean dry hair, and raise them with a round brush from the roots. As a result, you will have a natural volume.

For an extravagant hairstyle you should combstrands on the vertex and occiput, after which they must be fixed with varnish. Looks great hair when the hair in front is smoothly laid on an oblique parting and fixed with a barrette or rim, after which the crown should be strongly combed.

Evening laying

In order to quickly put the hair and givehairstyle evening view you need to sprinkle them with water from the spray gun, and rub the wax or gel between your fingers and ruffle your hair. You can also move your fingers in different directions, lifting and twisting the strands. Then the tip of the comb or fingers should give the strands the necessary direction, so the hair will look finished and thoughtful, and the laying will take only 5 minutes. This hairstyle is perfect for a party or a nightclub, and to get a more refined option, which will be appropriate for a trip to the theater, you can make the Marseilles wave. To do this, it is necessary to divide the hair into an oblique parting and generously moisten them with a shiny gel. After that you need to fix the clamps behind the wave. It should be noted that even bends can be created with a comb and fingers. As soon as the hair dries, you need to remove the clips and fix the hair style with varnish. Hairstyle is ready.

We put average hair

Many do not know how to properly style your hair,medium length, preferring instead of beautiful styling to collect their wealth into the tail or just dissolve them. Meanwhile, it is very beautiful on these hair will look hair from small curls, which should be sprinkled with varnish, fastened with hair clips around the edges and put on a beautiful thin bezel. You will look like a Roman goddess.

To create a business hairstyle should be dividedhair on a straight part, tie at the sides of the tail and wrap them with thin strands. And in front you need to leave curls free, and slightly fix them with gel.

Many women do notknow how to lay the hair of medium length to give them the missing volume. And the solution is quite simple, they can be screwed onto large curlers. If your hair is trimmed with a ladder, then to give them more enthusiasm, you need to turn the tips and brushes with a hairdryer and a brush, and if you need romanticism, then the tips should be turned inside.

For medium length hair, the most successful haircut option is a cascade, since it allows you to give your hair a volume. This will especially brighten those whose hair is not very thick.

The nobility of the image can give an oblique part andsmoothly laid hair with tips twisted down. It is also possible to lay beautifully middle-length hair in a mischievous hairstyle, you only need to fix the individual strands randomly from the top, and use gel to comb the ends and lay them.

Evening laying

To lay a medium-length hair in the eveninghairstyle, need tongs and a means for hot hair styling. Small-diameter forceps need to make careless curls, keeping them upright. And then twist the ends of the hair with large forceps. To fix the hairstyle, you should use a lotion for hot styling, and if you do not find it, then a light mousse is also suitable for keeping the volume.

Beautiful evening styling will come ifdivide the hair into 2 equal parts, the back part should be raised, folded and sealed. After that, the front part of the hair will need to be wound on the large curlers, and then lay with curls in front of the knot and fix the hairstyle with hairspray.

We put long hair

Long hair, as if specially created forthat hairdressers create their masterpieces. With them you can come up with a lot of different styles, and every day look new and stunning.

Daily styling options

Before the hair is laid, it is necessarypre-apply on the hair foam for styling or gel. After that, they should be combed, head down and make a small hair, collecting hair in the tail. Then you need to take one strand and wrap it around the base of the tail. Extra hair can be removed with the help of invisible. After that, the hair must be fixed with lacquer. You can also simply put your hair iron, and that they do not scatter, they should be applied a little cream for styling. The easiest way to arrange long hair is to braid. But in order to give it originality, it needs to be braided, moving slightly to the side or stretching over the head diagonally. The braid can even be braided, the long tips are left and combed.

Elegant image

To create an elegant image, you need to doon the vertex, carefully combing the strands, then assemble them in a bundle and wrap it with a ribbon or put on a bright bezel. And in front it is quite possible to release several strands.

Now you know how to style your hair.

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