The cross is the most ancient and universalsymbol. This means that his image is ambiguous. Today, tattoos in the form of a cross are in great demand and have far surpassed the popularity of other tattoos. And the reason for this is not only faith in the god of many people, but also because it is in our time fashionable.

What does the tattoo cross on the body

In search of an answer to the question, what does it mean?a tattoo cross, you can refer to history or religion. Thus, the fourteenth century is marked by knights who walked under the sign of the cross, which later, in 1870, became associated with the German military. Such a history of the cross makes it a symbol of honor and strength.

Also, understanding what the cross tattoo means,its shape and appearance are important. The tattoo can be made in the form of a regular cross or as an iron, with wide ends. A tattoo in the form of a Gothic cross is usually accompanied by additional images, like a dagger, knife or sword, located next to the main symbol. Also, often the image of the Gothic cross is added to the fabric, which, as it were, is passed through it. As for religious significance, such a cross is not distinguished by something special. The image on the body in the form of a Christian cross can be of two kinds. It can be like a Latin cross, in appearance resembling a regular cross of wood, and a cross with the image of a crucified Christ. Each of the two types of these tattoos because of the religious nature, as a rule, are not used to decorate the body.

Sometimes a tattoo of a cross can be seen in people,survived some kind of tragedy. Someone with a tattooed cross reminds of the loss of a loved one and an expensive person. And some images of the cross are supplemented with plaques containing dates and photographs of people. Because of the attribution of the cross more to the spiritual than to the physical, people, striking such tattoos, seek and hope for help in creating peace with themselves. The cross, first of all, reminds of God, therefore a cross tattoo helps people to feel calm, to be merciful and not alone.

People who are unwilling to attach special religiousvalue of the cross, prefer closed tattoos in the form of a cross. Or even to stylize such a cross. For example, to depict it as crossed with each other knives. The most popular are the tattoo cross on the chest and shoulder. A place like the back, as a rule, is not suitable for such an image. Sometimes a tattoo in the form of a cross can be found on your feet. As a rule, the choice of the location of the future tattoo is influenced by its value and appearance.

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