On our body can simultaneously coexistat once some kinds of birthmarks. It should be noted that not all of them are capable of causing discomfort or causing skin disease. However, those places where these pigmented formations are located should be guarded in every possible way. We will tell you which moles are dangerous.

About birthmarks

The fact that we must treat our motherland carefully, to usinspired in childhood. And not for nothing. The fact is that it is in this place that the skin is especially susceptible to either mechanical damage or ultraviolet radiation. Both of them in 50% of cases provoke a cancerous disease - melanoma.

The most harmless are considered to be flat birthmarks. They are usually pink or dark brown in color. They behave "peacefully", do not cause injury or inconvenience. But even they need to be protected from exposure to sunlight.

But to convex birth marks, especially in the case,if they are located in areas of frequent injuries (for example, on the head or neck), you must take it seriously. Monitor, monitor their change, and, if possible, eliminate any mechanical damage. In the event that you or your family have noticed any transformation of pigmented formation, do not hesitate to contact your doctor. And experts advise to go not to the therapist or dermatologist, but immediately to the oncologist. This does not mean that you will immediately be diagnosed with a terrible diagnosis. On the contrary, you can prevent the development of the disease at an early stage. It is in this case that it is successfully eradicated by 100%.

How dangerous moles look like

Since all, without exception, pigmentededucation theoretically can develop into a skin disease, protect yourself from this scenario: watch and control your moles. Immediately consult an oncologist if:

  • The mole changed color of color. For example, it reduced or sharply increased pigmentation up to black color, acquired an uneven color, a ring of black merging knots of different sizes appeared along the circumference of the spot
  • The skin pattern in the place of the birthmark or any pigmented spot has disappeared or completely disappeared, and scaling has appeared.
  • A mole appeared around the birthmark, resembling a corolla.
  • The configuration on the periphery has changed, the outline of the pigmented spot or mole has been blurred.
  • The size of the pigmented spot or mole has increased. It seemed to fade, it became denser.
  • Nodular small papillomatous elements appeared with the observation of necrosis at the base of the mole or pigmented spot.
  • Burning, itching, tingling, tension in the area of ​​the pigmented spot, moles, the appearance of cracks
  • From the surface of the birthmark hair falls out.

How to look dangerous birthmarks, photos and videos you can see on the Internet.

When to remove a birthmark

Some mistakenly think that from a birthmark you canto get rid yourself, for example, by bandaging it with a silk thread. So doctors categorically forbid any amateurish intervention. Self-treatment will only lead to the fact that the pigmented formation or wart begins to increase.

So in case you decide to get rid ofunaesthetic or uncomfortable papilloma, contact your dermatologist. He will necessarily remove education in case if due to his location it is constantly injured.

For more information on how to remove birthmarks, see here.

We hope that we have opened the veil of secrecy, whether moles are dangerous. Be attentive to your health and it will not let you down.

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