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How to make a hair style?

To wear a hairstyle in style of "styli" is now quite original. Certainly, having appeared with her in the company, you can draw to yourself numerous surprised looks and to be in the center of attention.

Today, the popularity of hairstylesreleased in 2008 the film. That's why at the numerous themed parties, various holidays, this style is used. Let's look at how to make a style.

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The main male hairdo in this style is"cook". To do this, you will need hair that is slightly longer than the usual classic size. Also necessary for laying will be various gels, waxes and hair varnishes. First you need to wet your hair and apply a little mousse and wax on your hair. Now brush your hair back. Fix them with a hair dryer and a round metal comb, then fill it with varnish. This is the most male style hair style.

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For a girl to make a hairstyle in style, you can call it "Babette" or "Corolla of the World". Let's look at how to make "Babette". It is performed using the following steps:

  1. First, the hair is collected in the tail, and the tail is fixed with the help of a rubber band.
  2. Then it is necessary to divide the tail into two parts and from the lower part of the tail with the help of a comb to make the combings in order to get a sufficiently fluffy and voluminous lower part of the hairstyle.
  3. After that, the upper part should also be divided into two parts and each part wrapped in a fleece.
  4. Now what has happened, we fix with the help of pegs and invisible.

You can reach through the top of the hairstyletape. You can also use artificial strands to make the hair look even more voluminous. After the hairstyle is modeled, it is necessary to fill it with varnish. Thus, it is very easy to make a style hairstyle. How to make a video with detailed comments can be found on the Internet.

Now let's see how to do "Corollapeace ". It is more suitable for girls with short hair. You need to wet your hair, smooth them and fix them with mousse and hair spray in the upper part. What sways the bottom, then it must be screwed and secured with varnish. Thus, we get the so-called wreath.

In addition to the image of style, it is necessary to makebeautiful appearance. A great originality of the image will be given by bright make-up colors and extravagant outfits. You will be the most beautiful and original on any evening. And how to make hairstyles style, photos can be found on one of the fashion sites or on the pages of a glossy magazine.

How to make a hair style

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