For sure, every person is sensitive tohis appearance. Especially strenuously, each of us cares about the beauty of the face, because it is always in sight. And, of course, all of us, without exception, are disturbed by the wrinkles that appear on the forehead. It is worth saying that their appearance is due to a variety of factors - age, lifestyle, stress, etc. Therefore, at any age, any person can have wrinkles on his forehead. How to get rid of them, we'll tell you now.

It is important that you apply different methods, becausethe skin features of all are different, and what is good for one is completely useless to another person. And, besides, only a combination of cosmetics is most effective, rather than any one specific way.

Anti-wrinkle cream on forehead

Use of cream in the fight against wrinkles on the foreheadis the most popular and widespread way. After all, its use is very simple - you need to rub the cream once a day before going to sleep in the forehead area. But this is not all that you need to know about the cream of wrinkles on the forehead.

Use the cream in the following way - every evening, best after taking a bath or shower, apply massaging cream, as if you want to smooth the palms of the skin on the forehead.

It is worth mentioning separately what kind of creammost effective. In the cosmetic shop you can find a huge assortment of various anti-aging creams. It is desirable to prefer one in the content of which there are alpha hydroxy acids (ANA). They quickly penetrate the skin and remove dead cells, stimulate the formation of new cells.

Mask from wrinkles on the forehead

In addition to various creams, cosmetologists recommend using masks in order to get rid of wrinkles. Masks from wrinkles there are quite a few, here are some of them:

Mask with paraffin-oil mixture. To make it, mix peach oil (if there is none, you can replace it with avocado oil) and cocoa butter (10 grams each), 10 g paraffin and 3 g sperm. Then, this mixture is put in a dry bowl or pan, then heated for a couple. When the mixture is sufficiently melted, it must be moistened with a bandage, folded into three layers, squeezed and spread. Hot bandage should be laid on the forehead, until the mixture is not completely cooled. The procedure itself should last at least 20 minutes, after which the mask is carefully removed.

It is recommended to use this mask twice a week to achieve a significant result.

Mask with flour and egg yolk perfectly cleanmimic wrinkles on the forehead. To make it, you need to dilute 1 tablespoon of flour with water and add the yolk. Mix the whole mixture to a thick consistency. This mask should be applied to the face for no more than 20 minutes, and then rinse with water with lemon juice for greater effect.

How to remove wrinkles on the forehead: gymnastics

Gymnastics is one of the most effectiveways for removing wrinkles from the forehead area. Gymnastics can be directed to both horizontal and vertical wrinkles on the forehead. In addition, the regularity of this procedure directly affects the achievement of a positive result. Therefore, if you decided to remove wrinkles on your forehead, deep and even barely noticeable, then it is worth doing gymnastics every day twice.

Remove horizontal wrinkles on the forehead

Exercise 1. You need to sit on a chair in front of the mirror. Elbows put on the table. Finger pads should be placed on the forehead along the hair growth line, then gently pull up the skin upwards and hold it slightly in this position. After that, close your eyes and pull the forehead skin down. Each time, lightly press on the skin, so that you feel a little pressure.

Exercise 2. Open wide eyes and rhythmically lower and raise eyebrows. In one exercise, perform the described manipulation once 12, constantly increasing the rhythm.

Exercise 3. With the fingers of both hands, pull the forehead skin down, along with it, lift the eyebrows as high as possible. Exercise should be done up to 10 times, constantly increasing the pressure of the fingers.

We remove the vertical muscles on the forehead

Exercise 1. Embrace the head with your hands, while the thumbs should be on the back of the head, and the index fingers in the forehead area. After that, the forehead skin with the help of facial muscles move to the center, while raising the eyebrows. In this position, you must count to 10.

Exercise 2. In the area that is between the eyebrows, put the pads of your fingers. Frown, but at the same time, pull your eyebrows up. And again count to 10.

Remember that the effect of gymnastics does not come immediately, so you should be patient and patient. The result of regular exercises will not keep you waiting.

How to remove wrinkles from the forehead: massage

Massage of the forehead allows you to remove even the smallestwrinkles. This is due to the fact that it improves the nutrition of cells, and hence regeneration, blood supply. Cosmetologists note and improve skin color on the face. Cosmetic massage is best done in a specialized salon, but if you can not visit it at least once a week, then massage can be done at home.

Forehead massage is quite easy. To do this, take a little anti-aging cream or lotion, and slowly rub its area from the eyebrows to the beginning of hair growth. It is necessary to combine circular, vertical and horizontal movements of the pads of the fingers. This procedure is recommended to be done twice a week for 10 minutes.

In addition, if you have wrinkles on your forehead,how to get rid of them, and generally improve the condition of your skin, help to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Eat as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible, exclude fried, smoked and salted from your diet. And, of course, alcohol and cigarettes. Remember that only proper nutrition along with exercises and cosmetics will lead to a positive result.

That's all the basic ways to make your forehead smooth and healthy. And if you just started to worry about wrinkles on your forehead, what do you now know.

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