The confrontation between blondes and brunettes does not stop. And one more reason for disputes was the question, whom is more: brunettes or blondes?

According to scientists, natural blondes - a phenomenonquite rare. Only in the last half century the number of blondes decreased from 50 to 14%. There is also an opinion that in two hundred years the blondes will completely disappear from the planet Earth. A similar situation has developed for a number of several reasons:

  • The first reason. In order for a blond child to be born, "blond genes" should be present in both parents.
  • The second reason. The population of countries dominated by dark-haired people is constantly increasing (China, India, Brazil, etc.). Inhabitants of the European countries, although they are carriers of the "blonde gene" (in particular, the inhabitants of Russia, Germany, Sweden, etc.), increasingly only have one child.

According to scientists, the last blonde is more likely to be born in Finland, where currently the most blond people live.

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