Make-up is not just the application of make-up, but also the correction of the shape of the face, the color of the skin, the disguise of its small defects.

The main thing that you need for make-up -so that the color spectrum of decorative products harmoniously combined with the natural color of the hair, eyes and skin of a woman, with decorations, clothing and manicure. Make-up should be appropriate and appropriate to the situation, lighting, even the time of year and day. At present, it is customary to divide the day (everyday) and evening (solemn) make-up, and according to the color scheme - warm, cold and natural.

Makeup Tools

Make-up can be applied with minimalhand tools, but it is much more convenient and correct to use special tools. In order to determine what is necessary for make-up for you, it is worthwhile to understand the range of tools and their purpose. For applying various means, apply sponges and sponges, puffs, brushes, applicators, brushes.

  • Sponges are soft spongyfine-pored pieces of foam with a delicate texture of different shapes. The most preferable triangular shape, which allows you to smoothly tone on all areas of the face, even under the eyes. Sponges are applied the basis for make-up, corrective and tonal remedies.
  • Puffs put a powder on top of the base by patting movements and correct (refresh) makeup during the day. The use of puffs provides a tight fit of powder.
  • Brushes as a means of applying makeup are appliedvery widely, especially for applying professional make-up. Brushes are distinguished by the material of the nap: with natural nap and artificial, as well as combined. In form they can be round and flat. The use of makeup brushes is distinguished on the eye makeup brushes, brush pencils, shading brushes, brushes for applying blush and powder and a brush for the tonal product.
  • Applicators are usually spongy and used to apply eye shadows to the eyelids.

Makeup Tools

First of all, you need healthy skin for make-up. Doctors do not recommend using decorative cosmetics for allergic reactions, skin injuries, pustular eruptions. Makeup tools are on the market in huge quantities.

From the entire range of funds you need to chooseexactly the one that suits you (your skin). This is the foundation for make-up or tonal remedy (tonal foundation, cream powder, etc.), powder, correction agent (if you use it), blush, bronzer (if you need it), shadows, pencils for lips, eyes, eyebrows and mascara.

  • The basis for make-up is designed to hide irregularitiesskin, give it an ideal appearance, slightly change the natural shade. The sharp contrast between the natural tone and the color of the base looks unnatural and slightly vulgar. A difference of one tone is allowed to be darker or lighter.
  • Over the base, blush is applied. Use them to adjust the shape of the face on certain lines. Places of application depend on what effect you want to achieve.
  • Powder completes the application of tonal andcorrective means. A light friable texture lies in the thinnest layer, removes the oily shine of the skin, smooths its tone and makes the transitions between the applied means imperceptible. Modern powders contain light-reflecting particles and protective substances that give the skin a soft gloss and velvety appearance, protecting it from the effects of the external environment.
  • Eye shadows and eyebrows have a huge number of colors and shades. Can be liquid, solid and friable. Are applied to correct and emphasize the shape of eyebrows and eyes.
  • Pencils for the lips, eyes and eyebrows are designed to giveclear and brighter contours of the eyes (emphasize the lines of the upper and lower eyelids, simulate "arrows"), the eyebrows (make them slightly darker, align the color and emphasize the shape) and lips (outline the lip contours before applying lipstick).
  • Lipsticks and lip glosses protect, nurture and emphasize beauty. In summer, moisturizers are used, in the cold season - nutritious.
  • Mascara for the eyes stains every eyelash,raises it, fixes it in a certain position, protects and cares. Carcasses for eyes are divided into lengthening, giving volume, waterproof. For people prone to allergies, produce special funds.

For convenience, you can use a makeup kit. Then all means will always be at hand.

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