Save beauty and youth helps usa healthy way of life and exercise. Over time, our skin requires special care, without which it fades, loses its smoothness, elasticity, wrinkles and wrinkles appear on it. More often this phenomenon occurs in women who live in large cities, where ecology is more aggressive. For facial skin care, there are many different cosmetic products. Since each person is individual in its own way, it is necessary to take seriously the choice of such ready-made means. For this, it is necessary to take into account such factors as age, skin type, peculiarities of one's health and many others. In this article we will look at how to tighten the face.

Superficial skin lifting

A means of surface lifting, this cream,tightens the skin, which creates a thin film on it. She stretches, aligns the oval face. But this result does not last long. Cosmetic means of this group have an instant effect, and they briefly make the face beautiful and young. The use of such express means of women is resorted very often. This film is kept on the skin from a few hours to one day, then it can be washed off with decorative cosmetics. These funds rather mask the problem areas, but they do not solve it in any way.

Deep tightening of the skin

Means that have a profound effect, in the veryin fact, rejuvenates and refreshes the skin, while improving its condition. The components of such cosmetics, penetrating deep into the skin, stimulate the production of collagen and other substances that take an active part in the regeneration process. You will have a tight and supple skin, if you are going to use funds with deep lifting for a long time and regularly.

Depending on the condition of your skin, suchfunds can be used throughout the year. They do not give a quick result, in contrast to the means of surface lifting, since the skin accumulates biologically active substances.

Masks that tighten the skin

Cleansing and nourishing face and neck masks are notare inferior in effectiveness to gels, serums, creams, tonics and lotions. They are combined with therapeutic mud, which will accelerate the process of skin regeneration. To achieve a stable result of the mask, you can apply it 2 - 3 times a week.

Massage, tightening the skin of the face

Tighten the skin at home will help youself-massage. It is better to do it before applying masks. So you will improve blood circulation, increase muscle tone, which will lead to better absorption of nutrients. Doing self-massage of the face, wrinkles and flabbiness will noticeably disappear, and the skin will look healthier and younger.

Massage should be done 2 to 3 times a week, washing your hands and face thoroughly.

Do each of the following exercises 5-6 times:

  • gently smooth the skin of the cheeks from the wings of the nose to the temples with two fingers;
  • Smooth the skin on the forehead from the eyebrows to the hair, making movements from the bottom up;
  • Smooth the skin of the cheeks with all fingers from the middle of the chin to the earlobe;
  • Back of the fingers, massage the area under the jaw.


How to make the skin taut with the help of folkmeans not everyone knows. But, applying them regularly, combining with massage, exercises, water procedures, you can achieve a good result. Such tools are useful for the skin. Apply the mask after the massage.

  • Mask with olive oil - 1 tbsp. mix the butter with the yolk, add 5-6 drops of lemon juice. Apply mask on face for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.
  • Mask with butter - pound 50 g of oilwith 2 yolks, add 3 tsp. vegetable oil, 0.5 tbsp. glycerol, and? a glass of chamomile. Then add 30 g of camphor alcohol and mix thoroughly. Apply this cream on your face for 20 minutes, and rinse with warm water. Keep the mask in the refrigerator. Use it 2-3 times.
  • Mask with wheat flour. Whisk the egg into the foam, add 1 tbsp. salt, 50 g of vegetable oil. 25g of wheat flour, pour 0.25 liters of water and cook until thickened. Pour a cup of cold water into the resulting mass to avoid film formation, drain the water. Add the egg-and-oil mixture to the flour and whisk until a creamy mass is formed - a small amount of water is allowed. Kashitsu put on your face for 20-30min.
  • Mask of fresh berries. Raspberries, strawberries, mountain ash, cowberry in the masks will return freshness to the skin of the face.

Contrast washing

Tighten the skin at home can be rubbing your face with an ice cube and contrasting washing.

Use frozen herbs of herbs, for example,2 tbsp. calendula flowers and 2 tbsp. fresh parsley pour 400ml of boiling water, only in different dishes. Allow 40 mm infusion, then pour into ice molds and put in the freezer. Use these cubes to wipe your face every day. Start wiping with a marigold cube, and finish with a cube of parsley.

Apply contrast compresses to the skin of the face. Use for them broths of herbs: dandelion, wormwood, chamomile. Apply a hot compress for 2-3 minutes, then cold for a few seconds. Change compresses from 5 to 10 times, repeat the procedure 3 times a week.

We gave you examples of how to keep your skinface healthy and young. We hope, our advice will benefit you! You can also get acquainted with the possibilities of breast lifting by clicking on the link: "How to tighten the chest?".

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