Caries is caused by acid destruction of tooth enamel. To avoid carious process, you need to carefully monitor the oral cavity. But if you already have tooth decay, how to treat it?

Carious process

How to treat dental caries, know almost everything. Usually the treatment is to fill the damaged teeth. But there are some features of treatment of the carious process, which not everyone knows. Its treatment depends on the stage of tooth damage.

  • Stage of white / dark spots: the presence of such spots indicates that the enamel in these places has lost a large amount of calcium, but there is no defect yet. Treatment occurs by saturation of tooth enamel with calcium and fluorine (remineralization).
  • Surface stage: defects appear on the enamel. Treatment is made by standard sealing.
  • Middle stage: damage leaves the enamel layer and passes into the dentin. This stage is the most common. The patient feels a certain discomfort in the area of ​​the lesion when eating, as pieces of food fall into the destroyed cavity. At this stage, the dentist cleans the cavity and seals with a light-reflecting seal.
  • Deep stage: caries has already spread deeper into the dentin layers, and only a small strip of healthy tissue protects the pulp from the carious process. The patient feels a strong toothache. Treatment is carried out by removing tissues that are affected, antiseptic treatment of the cavity and deep remineralization of the tooth, and then - sealing the canal.


The first thing that needs to be done is to clean the tooth from plaque with the help of ultrasonic nozzles and a special brush with abrasive paste. Then the doctor selects the color of the seal that corresponds to your enamel.

Caries is a curable tooth disease, ifapply on time. But many people are simply terribly afraid of dentists, arguing their fears with painful sensations in the process of inspection or sealing. So, is it painful to treat tooth decay? Of course, this sensation can not be pleasantly pleasant, but now for your and medical convenience anesthesia is done, so you can feel pain only at the moment of injection. Anesthesia can last from 40 minutes to several hours, depending on the amount of the dose administered. Next, the dentist drills the carious edges. Depending on the stage of the carious process, the depth of drilling is determined. At the middle stage, the hole is produced in the enamel layer, usually it is small. At a deep stage, drilling is performed in the hard tissues of the tooth. At a deep stage, the enamel and all the carious dentin are drilled.

At the time of filling, a very important momentis the drying of the opening from saliva. This determines the quality of the filling. Previously, the most common method of drying was used - these are cotton swabs. The tooth and the mouth cavity were wet. But in recent years, highly qualified specialists have been using cofferds. It is a plate made of latex, which is put on the teeth and isolates them from saliva entering places that are important to protect from moisture.


Dentists in response to a question about whetherto treat tooth decay, they answer that caries are best prevented. You need to clean your teeth properly and in time, and take an examination at the dentist 2 times a year, and in case of caries formation, immediately go to the dentist, so as not to aggravate the process.

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