The gel is a jelly-like transparent mass. It is an excellent alternative to varnishes, mousses and hair foams. The gel is used, both by women and men, for styling hair and creating a stylish hairstyle. In addition, the gel can perfectly give the hair the effect of "moisture", which looks very original, especially on short hair. How to apply the gel on the hair to permanently preserve the pristine haircut or hairstyle?

What are the gels

Gel is weak, strong and ultra-strongfixation. So, before applying the gel to the hair, you need to determine in advance what exactly the woman wants to "depict" on her head. For example, strands wavy and curly, you need a gel with the effect of wet hair. And, if it is necessary to give smoothness to the hair, then a medium fixation gel will be appropriate here.

Gel, by the way, not only deals with yourhair, but also monitors the condition of the hair. The gel does not intend to spoil and break the structure of the hair, so it contains a balanced amount of vitamins and trace elements. How to apply the gel so that the hair does not become brittle and dull then? There are harmless gels that absolutely do not contain alcohol, but are based only on natural ingredients. By the way, gel can be used twice a week, so that the hair has the opportunity to "relax" from such an aid for styling.

How to use gel

Basically, the gel is applied to damp hair, butthere are exceptions, if you just need to straighten your hair or make sharp points on the haircut. The average portion of the gel is squeezed onto the hands, and the whole composition is evenly distributed on all the hair. Then the hair is dried and put in a hairdryer. The effect, as they say, on the head! Any hairstyle under the action of the gel is fixed perfectly and can please the girl throughout the day.

By the way, if a woman has a desire to rewardhis head wavy large strands, then here is the gel to help. It is also applied to still wet hair after washing, and then the woman can wind the strands with curling or curlers.

For especially solemn occasions stylists suggest using, so to speak, "festive" gels. They contain colored sparkles, they smell wonderful and shimmer in the light with different shades.

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