When asked why nails are needed, there are manyanswers. From a practical point of view, the nails are needed by a person to protect his fingertips, with which different objects are taken. On female hands, rather long nails just look beautiful. But nails perform a huge amount of both practical and biological functions.

Functions of nails

  1. Nails perform a huge number of importantfunctions. They protect the end phalanx and finger pads from various injuries, are an essential condition for the sensitivity of the finger pad, that is, increase the person's ability to recognize objects, helping to implement the tactile function in humans. The main function of nails is protective.
  2. Quite often they are an indicator of some kind ofpainful processes that occur in the body. For example, longitudinal grooves that are on the nail plates, suggest that their possessor has inflammatory chronic diseases (nasopharynx, teeth, nose). Transverse grooves indicate problems with internal organs (kidneys, intestines, liver). The presence of transverse grooves on the nails indicates that the body lacks zinc. Necessarily it is necessary to be surveyed also at change of color of nails. After all, if blood circulation is disturbed, they become bluish. Nails of yellow color are a sign of an unhealthy liver, and the appearance of yellowish tubercles on the nail plates may be a symptom of psoriasis.
  3. For the vast majority of modern womenNails carry a function as a wonderful way to emphasize beauty. After all, almost every girl on the question for what nails are needed, will answer that for beauty. Colorful gorgeous, drawings on the nail plate, as well as chic narrown artificial nails give an opportunity for the fair sex to attract the attention of others.

Nails in history

In ancient times, nails were used inquality of self-defense. At a later time, nails could be used to calculate differences in human culture. For example, Chinese Mandarins nails were incredibly long. Nowadays, nails are one of the most important components of human beauty, but with all this, they have not lost their direct basic physiological functions.

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