A modern girl always wants to lookdignified and attractive. It takes a long time to take care of your body. Special care requires nails, because you need to constantly monitor their condition, do a manicure. Recently, the nails have been very popular. Despite the beauty they give, is nail extensions so good?

Most women are wondering,Is it harmful to build nails. Opinions are very different. Some people think that there is nothing harmful in this procedure. Others are opposed to building up and consider this procedure harmful to the health of nails. Who is right?

With prolonged wearing of artificial nails, a fungal infection may appear and develop. As you understand, its development will not lead to anything good.

Therefore, it can be concluded that harm fromthe build-up of nails will be in the event that you build up your nails often and wear them for a long time. Still, sometimes you need to give a "rest" to your nails from acrylic or gel. In addition, do not remove the nails extensively yourself, so as not to damage your own. It is better to contact the master.

The dangers of nail extensions are also worriedpregnant women. Substances of which polymers are made contain a certain chemical composition that can provoke malformations of the fetus. But harmful substances in the narcotic nails are contained in the smallest doses, so it is unlikely that they will negatively affect the fetus.

Many believe that acrylic with its specific odor carries more harm than the gel. But few understand that the gel emits the same evaporation, only without the smell, and the effect is the same.

As you can see, if we increase the abuse, we canvery spoil the appearance and health of their native nails, so all women are not recommended for frequent build-up. A particularly cautious future mothers better to refrain from building nails just in case.

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