Very unpleasantly waking up in the morning, see inmirror pimple that appeared on the face. The reasons for their appearance are different, often they do not depend on age and sex. In the understanding of why there are acne or acne, the opinions of specialists differ. Some say that the appearance of acne on the body is due to a change in the hormonal background. Others argue that acne appears due to malnutrition and an unfavorable ecological situation. On whose side is the truth? Let's figure it out.

Causes of Acne

It is worth saying that in most cases, acne occurs due to several reasons at once. First we will tell you about what you can not influence, and then what is in your hands. So:

  • Hormonal imbalance. In adolescence, there is active growth and maturation of virtually all body systems. Therefore, hormones in every way affect the changes in the body, and as a result of their next release can form acne. Most often on the face, but can appear on the body. Hormonal imbalance is possible and at different times of the menstrual cycle in women, that's why before the monthly appear acne.
  • Oily skin. People who have oily skin, like no other, are prone to acne. Especially often they can occur on the T-zone - face, forehead and chin. After all, it is in the oily skin that the pores are enlarged, and the sebaceous glands work more intensively. Therefore the chance that there will be an unpleasant acne increases at times. For oily skin, you need to take good care to avoid these cosmetic problems.
  • Medicinal and cosmetic means. Wrongly selected medicines, as well as cosmetics can enhance the work of the sebaceous glands, which in turn provokes the appearance of acne. In addition, medications can sometimes cause allergic reactions, which in turn is one of the reasons for the appearance of acne. Therefore, you should carefully choose cosmetics, and in the choice of medicines consult with your doctor.
  • Incorrect food. Almost all specialists agree that an incorrect diet is the reason that a person has skin problems. If you have already excluded the hormonal, allergic causes, and the question - why the pimples are still bothering, then you should turn to what you eat. Fried, salted, sweet food, as well as coffee and alcoholic beverages are often the factor that triggers the appearance of acne on the body.

Why there are pimples on the face

Acne on the face is the most unpleasant for a person, because it affects not only the appearance, but also spoils the mood, especially when an important meeting is scheduled.

All the above listed reasons, no doubt,affect the appearance of acne on the face, forehead, chin. But also do not forget about the thorough hygiene of the hands. After all, often we touch the face with our fingers, and in fact a lot of bacteria accumulate on the hands. Therefore, you should wash your hands as often as possible, and rinse your face with water to bring down the work of the sebaceous glands that are sufficient in this area.

Why there are pimples on the back

But the appearance of acne on the back affects notonly common reasons, but also clothes. First of all, close and synthetic clothing is harmful. After all, it does not allow the skin to breathe, resulting in clogged pores and acne.

If you still have a problem, why there are pimples, and not one of the listed reasons does not fit, then you should contact a specialist.

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