Hair loss is a common problem, not only in men, but unfortunately in women. Elegant hair in his youth can change over time and decrease in volume.

Hair falls out - is it time to sound an alarm

On the head of a man grows about 120 - 150 thousandhair. It is considered the norm when 200-300 hairs a day fall out, because new ones grow in their place. How to understand when you need to start worrying and sounding an alarm? We test our hair. Divide the hair into parting, look in the mirror. Are there short hairs on the parting that are difficult to comb on one side? If there are a lot of them, then do not worry, the hair will not thin up, the normal process is going on. And if the parting is perfectly smooth, then it's time to sound the alarm that the hair falls out.

Why do women lose their hair?

It happens that having a beautiful hair, a womandoes not care about their health. And then it's too late to worry, when they start falling out. In such situations, she herself is to blame. And it happens that hair loss signals about any disease of the body, has medical reasons.

Wines of a woman, why her hair falls out:

  1. Hair coloring. Now most women paint their hair in different tones or make their shade brighter with the help of shade means. There is no harmless hair dye. To the pigment passed into the hair and fixed there, the hair dye spreads out the scales of the hair along the entire length. This is a great trauma to the hair. If you are dyed, then try to buy paints without ammonia, unstable. It is better to buy more expensive, but that the paint contained caring components and a minimum of hydrogen peroxide (6-9%).
  2. Stacking. The most terrible enemies of hair are combs of natural bristles, wood and metal. To not harm the hair, use a massage comb made of high-quality plastic. She is more careful of untangling her hair and smoothing scales. Experts advise one week a month not to use a hairdryer, do not scratch your hair, give them a break.
  3. Incorrect food. For a healthy hair, proteins, fats and amino acids of animal origin are needed, so only vegetarian food detrimental to the hair. For protein, eat meat, poultry, fish, for vitamins - fruits, for complex carbohydrates - bread with bran, cereals, pasta from durum wheat.
  4. Stress. Any stress has a negative effect on the condition of the woman's hair and skin. After strong experiences, take a mild sedative, brew medicinal herbs, take B vitamins.

Medical reasons why women lose their hair:

  1. Androgenetic alopecia - to 50 years thisnorm or rate, instead of illness or disease. Testosterone is converted into dihydrotestosterone and leads to a disruption in the activity of the hair follicles. It is necessary to address at once to trihologu to save beautiful hair.
  2. Alopecia areata usually occurs due to reduced immunity or hormonal failure. Hair falls out sharply on certain sites, there is an itch and reddening. Treatment is necessary.
  3. Disturbances in the thyroid gland. Forward to the endocrinologist!
  4. Iron deficiency anemia. If, in addition, the appetite is reduced, drowsiness, constant fatigue and pale, you may not have enough iron.
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