Sweating is a natural processa human body that protects us from overheating and helps maintain a constant temperature. Although sweat is quite natural, and every person sweats, but the smell of sweat or excessive sweating of the armpits can make people uncomfortable, so it's important to know what to do so that you do not sweat your armpits and help yourself.

What causes excessive sweating

To begin with, you need to figure out whether elevated sweating is a symptom of a disease or part of the syndrome.

  • For example, with excess weight, sweating will decrease after losing weight.
  • If there is a metabolic disorder, hormone therapy helps.
  • Also, sweating can be caused by increased anxiety and emotionality, then it is treated with sedatives and tranquilizers.

What to do, so as not to sweat your armpits, if youdo you suspect that this is a symptom of a certain disease or do you have any chronic illnesses? Go to a doctor endocrinologist or neurologist.

So that the armpits do not sweat: means and methods

If the sweating is increased by itself, then with this particular case it is easiest to fight.

  • Deodorants - antiperspirant deodorants. There are several types: sprays, hard sticks, gels, liquid balloons and in the form of a cream. Sprays and solid deodorants basically mask the smell of perspiration, while the sweat itself does not disappear anywhere and wet spots easily give it away. Gels, ball deodorants and creams act more effectively, creating a semblance of a film through which sweat does not penetrate.
  • Special antipersperants - they are developedjust to combat sweating, are usually sold in pharmacies or in a network associated with the manufacturer. There are such means more than usual antipersperanty.
  • Talc and powder are powders that are appliedon the body and absorb the liquid, they are quite effective, but in order to use them you will have to acquire some skills, since it is more difficult to apply talc than a conventional deodorant. In addition, talc matiruet body and its effect is similar to powder. Talc is normal, childish for sensitive skin and perfumed, which prevents an unpleasant odor.
  • Pharmacy - in pharmacies you can find special remedies for excessive sweating, most often these are various creams. They affect the glands and reduce their activity.
  • Diet - no matter how strange it may seem, butsweating can be caused by various substances used in food. It can be substances that stimulate the body - coffee, energy drinks, strong spices and alcohol. Sometimes, in order to reduce perspiration, it is enough to simply refuse frequent use of stimulant substances, in addition you can drink soothing - green tea, chamomile infusion.
  • Another way that you can do if you sweatarmpits are the use of special pads. There are special pads for the armpits, they protect clothes from getting wet, but they do not block the smell and are suitable only for closed clothes.
  • Therapy. For those who are looking for radical methods in the fight against sweat, there is a special therapy. These are injections that block the glands in the right area. With this treatment, sweat will not be allocated at all, but you must first recall that the sweat to our body is needed to maintain temperature and protection. Without active sweat glands, you increase the risk of overheating and you will need to think about alternative methods of cooling in the heat.

Whichever way you choose, be guided by your comfort and convenience. Be healthy and do not be shy.

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