The broken pixels on digital screens are nota rarity in our time. And the point here is not that manufacturers are messy. Defects arise for a number of reasons in production. The process of manufacturing matrix screens is very time-consuming, and you can check the quality only after manufacturing. It is then and it becomes clear how many broken pixels appeared. Typically, manufacturers do not reject the product, but refer it to different quality categories, depending on the number of faulty pixels. Consequently, the price of such goods is different.

But who wants to have a phone, TV, monitoror a camera with faulty pixels that will annoy the look? That's why you need to have knowledge about how to check broken pixels right in the store or right after the purchase.

How to check the broken pixels of the TV

Broken pixels on the LCD screen appear for two reasons - when a transistor breaks down or when a sub-pixel hangs in one hue.

In the first case, it is considered that the curedpixel will not succeed. If the transistor is burned, then it can only be replaced, and this is still the trouble. Usually it is simply burned with a laser, so that it is less visible to the eye of a person. Such a pixel has a black color and is clearly distinguishable in light tones of the image.

The second option will be corrected with the help of programs ormanipulations at home. Such a pixel looks like a colored dot that appears if the image processing fails and the pixel simply hovers in one color.

Each manufacturer has a regulation thatclearly indicates the number of broken pixels per million and the class of products, depending on this. The standard is 2 white and black pixels and 5 color pixels per million workers. Such screens are found on the market all the time. It is very rare to see screens with fewer. But to determine if you were cheated in the store, you need to know how to check the TV for broken pixels.

If you have already bought a TV, then in the homeyou can check the pixels using programs that are installed on a computer or laptop, and then they connect to the TV. You can download one of these programs here.

If you have not bought a TV yet, the samethe program can be written to a USB flash drive and brought to the store. However, for this you will need to ask the laptop from the sellers to check that it can be uncomfortable and does not always meet with enthusiasm.

Another way is to pay in the store to the master,which will check for you. But why pay when you can check everything yourself? It's enough to display certain colors on the screen in order. White will show black pixels, black - white, different colors - other variations of broken pixels. To do this, you just need to write down these colors on the USB flash drive and insert the drive into the TV. After that, it will not be difficult to check. You can also conduct video and audio tests on a new TV before purchasing.

Bursted pixels of the camera

In cameras, any person always triesCheck the matrix for broken pixels. In the end, it depends on this, there will be black or colored dots on the pictures, or not. This is especially true for professional photographers. The quality of their images should always be on top. So, how do you check the camera for broken pixels?

A SLR camera must first beturn off noise reduction, auto focus, set the manual exposure mode, and make the matrix sensitivity almost at minimum. All this can be seen in the instruction manual of the camera.

Without switching off the noise reduction guarantees thatverification will bring success, will not. To check the matrix, you need to take pictures with a lens cap with a different shutter speed - 1/30, 1/60, 3 seconds. After that, you will need to throw the pictures on the computer and consider them under a large increase. If there are no points of other colors, the first step of the test was successful.

If there are still points, then, after looking at the frame with a shutter speed of 1/60 second, you can determine the number of hot pixels. If they are not, then everything is fine.

On a frame with maximum exposure, there should be nomore than 5-6 hot pixels. This is due to the fact that it is impossible to make a matrix without them using modern technologies, but such quantity is not a marriage.

Well, if the number of pixels is more than five at all levels, then this is a message to think about choosing another camera.

Monitor pixels broken

Check the monitor for broken pixels is easier thanTV, because it is initially connected to the computer. It's enough to bring all the same flash drive and load the verification program like this or download it from the Internet.

In any case, the monitor can be checked in the homeconditions in these simple ways. Also, for those who do not want to do the check themselves or do not understand this in anything, many digital technology stores have a technical department that will make all necessary monitor tests for a small fee.

Broken pixels of smartphone

Check smartphone for broken pixels can be in thestore, if there is access to the Internet. Usually in branded or large hardware stores mobile phones always have an Internet connection, which will allow you to check not only the performance of the model, but also the speed of the Internet.

To see the broken pixels, you can downloadA simple utility on the smartphone, with the help of which they conduct the test. Find it easily. In the manufacturer's stores there is always a free version for this, like the Android Screen Test program. Sometimes even the program is already installed on the smartphone from a past visitor who was interested in the same.

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