Components of our home or portablePersonal computers work in a well-functioning system. However, not all users can describe certain functions of different devices on the computer. Many will say that they do not need it, and they will be right. But the rest with interest draw information about the CPU or about the video card. Our today's article is for such people. We learn what the CPU is. So:

CPU - central processing unit or central processing unit

This device is a microcircuit,which processes and controls the execution of computer codes of computer programs. Not a lot, the CPU is the most important link in the whole system. It is this device that makes it possible to operate programs on the computer.

The principle of operation of the device is as follows. According to a single standardized binary code, which contains only two values ​​of "1" and "0", a signal comes to the processor. The value of 0 is the absence of an electric charge, and 1 is its presence. This is how the information contained in the program is encoded. After the code arrives in the CPU, the activity of one or another block of the computer starts, which performs strictly defined functions.

To date, processors manufacturerstend to reduce their physical size, and to increase the number of commands executed. It should be noted that modern processors can perform simultaneously an incredible number of teams.

Manufacturers of modern CPUs constantlycompete with each other, which, in fact, leads to such a rapid development of this sphere of the world market and science. There are three leaders among the creators of CPUs. This is Intel, IBM, AMD. It's hard to say exactly what a particular processor is good for. The production technologies and features of the processors of these manufacturers differ, although, in general, they pursue the same goals. Smaller size and more performance. It's fair to say that each processor can be better or worse than its competitor in just one particular situation. In other cases, it can exceed it.

In the computer world, it is customary to allocate the following CPU characteristics:

  • Clock frequency;
  • Performance;
  • Energy consumption;
  • Characteristics of the lithographic process;
  • The architecture of the device.

What is CPU fan? This error occurs when the computer cooler fails, which is responsible for cold air and blowing the processor to avoid overheating of the latter. To correct the error, you should clean the cooler or replace it. Also, the error can be of a program nature. The BIOS for some reason does not recognize the cooler. To overcome this error, you can try resetting the cooling system settings to the "Default" mode.

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