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How to connect satellite Internet?

Currently, satellite Internet - excellentalternative to traditional methods of accessing a virtual network. This is done using 3G mobile, telephone or fiber-optic communication. To connect satellite Internet, you must have a satellite dish and go through the entire installation path:

  1. Choose the right provider with a satellite, inthe coverage area of ​​which includes your locality. To establish the compatibility of your satellite dish with the requirements of the provider, determine the tariff plan and the type of connection (one-way or two-way communication).
  2. Assemble the antenna in accordance with the attached instructions.
  3. Install the antenna based on the direction to the satellite, the wind load, the distance to obstacles and the optimum angle of inclination. Next, proceed to plug the dish.
  4. Install the program Fast Sat Finder and twist the antenna to the maximum value of the captured signal. Then fix the antenna with the fasteners.
  5. Connect a computer (laptop), installrequired software and drivers. For a desktop computer, you will need to purchase and install a DVB-card. For the laptop you need to install an external DVB device.
  6. To connect to the Internet via a satellite dish, you need to configure the antenna. The quality of the setting can be determined by the absence of interference on the monitor and stable data transmission.
  7. After completing the configuration, go to the provider's website, register and apply for an independent internet connection.
  8. If the registration is successful, you will have access to your personal account, where you will find detailed information about the IP address, PID signal, payment methods for services.

You can also use these articles:

  • How to connect a dish
  • How to connect to the Internet
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